I was just trying to make a maze out of wall corners but then when I ran out decided to finish the maze. Gametype: Pathfinders All players are very heavy so they can't jump over the walls All players have a 0% damage modifier so you can't team kill All players should be on the same team If you go through teleporters you will enter a suicide room in which you have to blow up fusion coils to get out. Download Map: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
1.) Where's the link to the game type? 2.) If there is no roof, then you can get out of the map no matter how high the gravity is set by jumping off of someone's head. At 200% gravity, you can double jump up to one box/wall height off of someone's head. 3.) You didn't provide enough of a description of your map and game type. What's the point of it? Is it an infection game where one person tries to chase you around the maze or are you just supposed to find your way out? 4.) What's up with all these maze maps lately?
All you need to do is not cheat or kill anybody (for game type) It's just to try and get out, not infection Sorry, this is my third post
All I stated was what is in the rules... which you should probably read... but you probably can't because nowhere in my post did I tell him to make a roof. It is mandatory to provide a brief description of the game and map and he stated a game type, but provided no link which is also something that he should have done. Nowhere in his post did he say that it's just a map to get through. Every other maze map posted in this forum is an infection game so excuse me for not being able to read his mind. As for me saying that you can get out, it was to correct his post. Never say that you can't get over the walls if it's not true. There will always be people that try to find the little ways to get out of every map or find some kind of advantage. If they can find one, it's not their fault. It's just a poorly made map. Telling someone to not cheat is like telling people in a Cops and Robbers or Teacher game not to kill someone unless they do something wrong... which rarely, if ever, happens. That's all you have to say about the map after trying to make me look bad? You call that crap constructive? That's pretty much spam. Why only a 4.5? You're crying about a geo-merged tunnel being a landmark? Any idiot that's played this game enough knows where they are just by looking up. Goggles99... Sorry you're caught up in all of this. I was just trying to help you out with your map post. As for the map itself. Originality - Unfortunately maze maps are pretty common, especially lately. Yours is the first one that I've seen which is just to try to find your way out, though. Aesthetics - Looks like you did a nice job of placing pieces. Most of the walls look straight, so that means to took some time and pride in your work... which is always a good thing and an indication of better forging to come. You've also got some basic interlocking, which is a plus. Game play - Well this map if played the way you intended would be fun until you found your way through. Then the map probably wouldn't be played again. Improvements - While I understand the appeal of a maze map. It has no replay value the way you intended it to be played. Once you find your way through the map and memorized it, the map would immediately get deleted from the hard drive. People look for maps with replay value. Ones that they will get a few hours of fun with their friends each day. You must be the biggest flamer on the planet because you just signed up and your first post was to reply to my post and you provided absolutely nothing in regards to the map. What a pinkie...
Thanks, I'm not really that good at forge as you can tell if you get to the tunnel. When I used to play obstacle courses I would always quit because they were pretty much impossible, my maze isn't that hard once you go through all the passages and I personally wouldn't play this map again lol It's just if you're bored and don't really feel like doing matchmaking or custom games.