This map is a huge spin cycle that you can spin around with other people and just smash into stuff lol, took me a while to get everything just right, it my eyes its a piece of art =] i hope you guys enjoy it!, it can use any type of game variant you wont. MAP LINK- : Halo 3 File Details
looks cool but.....STOP WITH THE HUGE LETTERS! i mean it doesn't make it any easier to read! but other than that maybe you could put some soccer balls our columns in the man cannon room so its more exciting. 6/10
Picture one is the ramp leading up to the "pit" Looks like a cheap ripoff of my modded map, Moonraker. Difference is that my map has sand lifts across the entire floor as well as angled pieces at the top to swirl you around counter clockwise. Once you enter the pit, your feet rarely touch the floor. I also have 4 tunnels leading into the pit from four different rooms. Map looks okay, but gameplay is only fun for a bit and gets boring really fast.
This sort of idea has been done multiple times before. Not original at all in my opinion. From the pictures it looks as if you would go off of one man cannon and then just stop. Either add some more detailed pictures or fix this problem. The forging and everything looks great though. I can tell you put a lot of time into this. Also for your post please just type in a normal size also don't make the font white because users who are using oldschool cannot see what you are typing.
I think it would have been better as a full circle so it doesn't stop. That would be cool because this thing is really big.Overall pretty cool even though it's more of a screw around map.
Looks fun, but maybe put the man cannons under the floor to avoid the bump? And bring the shield wall out some more to bounce further. Just an idea.
Could you maybe send me this map? (To Shroomz) BTW, the map looks okay, the forgework is nice but it seems like a little "mess around with a friend before matchmaking" map. 7/10