Ranked - 7 Social - 29 Total - 36 I think I might fail even more now... This really shows how little I must play matchmaking. Wait, what determines when Luke owes you a steak dinner?
Not quite, you have to win while have 40% lead. Ways to earn Overall Score, Opponent score. 50~~~~30 100~~~60 10~~~6 Just as long as thye don't gain more than number on right. You get steak. And so on in this manner. Silly goose.
Ranked: 157 Social: 157 Total: 314 Yea, as of last game, my ranked and social steaktackulars are tied at 157.
Ranked = 42 (kinda don't want to get anymore now ) Social = 96 Total = 138 That's on my main account, but I definitely cba to go around counting them on the various 1 months I've had.
Main account: Ranked - 170 Social - 299 Total - 469 Probably be over 700 if I was to track down and add up all my other accounts.