Edit: I've updated with more info. Hey, its been a while since the last time I worked on my game "pandora" but I thought I would show you some new things I've brought to the table. But I'm also including everything from the original post in a more organized manner. Here we go. Click the spoiler to go through what I've got done. Storyline based things Spoiler Chapters Spoiler The game will be divided into chapters they will be as follows: Prologue- And on the first day... Strange stranger Hunger pains The first of four Born of a broken man Don't feed the animals The devourer What's mine is mine Maybe tomorrow Biohazard Fear the shadows Pack rat Procrastination Retaliation Infamous Starvation Something wicked this way comes Fury Very tall tales The green monster The one that got away Pale horse, pale rider Abomination The end of days Epilogue - Afterhours Character bios Spoiler Lazarus: A demon trapped inside pandoras box, he uses deception to bend others to his will. He deceives Layne into opening the box by telling him that it has the ability to save his wife from death. After the box is opened he possesses Layne and uses the power of the box to overthrow Lucifer from his command of hell. Shiva: A beastlike cyborg, it acts as Lazarus' body guard and has no known history. Layne: A young man whose wife is dying, he discovers pandoras box and because of lazarus' deceiving, he opens it in the hopes of using it to save his wife. Lucifer: A demon whose intentions are never truly understood, was overthrown by Lazarus and helps the four characters to destroy Lazarus so he can reclaim his throne. Lucy: The form in which lucifer apears to help the four characters, this form is a little girl. Captain Aero: A valkyrie air raider, after the defeat of the Pandoran Nightmare he gives the characters a key to his sky ship to enable them to travel through the skies and reach places that were inaccessible before. Gabe: A dwarven dragoon who is afraid of being underground. He gives the characters a key to the Dead Mines after the defeat of the Demonic Zealot. Oliver: A human gunslinger who encounters the four characters after the defeat of the Efreet. His precision shooting is matched only by his ambition to cleanse the world of the evil that plagues it. He gives characters a Gate Key, which allows access to the Hellfire Keep. General Thorn: an elven knight of the rogue army with a hatred for the aliens that have come to the island. He gives the characters a thorn amulet after the killing of the abbaddon overlord. Drake: A draconian bandit that roams his homeland of The Badlands. With one torn wing he cannot sustain flight but can jump higher by flapping his undamaged wing. He acts as a guide for the characters when they enter the badlands. Joseph: A human gunslinger with an affinity for the dark arts. With his companion Freya he is a powerful foe. He carries a revolving shotgun and two revolvers with the blackfire and whitefire augmentations. The characters meet him and Freya when they arrive in Obsidian City. Sentinus: A small crow belonging to oliver, is very intelligent and spots enemies that are normally not yet in range or visible yet. Freya: A white guinea bear, in appearance resembles a guinea pig the size of a bear. But acts like a bear and is extremely aggressive. Ragnar: A large Desert creature resembling a red preying mantis with swords for hands instead of claws, is approximately the size of an elephant in height and length but not weight. The four characters: four archaeologists that discovered pandoras box and opened it, getting pulled into a time and world that had been ravaged by it already. They eventually fight the seven sins and the four horsemen of the apocalypse in an effort to find pandoras box again so they can attempt to return home. New twist! Seriously is an actual spoiler Spoiler I have added a new twist to the game, it may not seem like much but it really blew my mind when I thought it up. Ok, for those of you who read the original thread, you know that through the game you eventually come to kill the four hoursemen of the apocalypse and slowly become them because of the curse. Well at the end of the game you go back home through pandora's box, but you still are the horsemen... And you don't age. So what I'm getting at is that the four horsemen you killed during the game is your future selves. Daunting eh? Its pretty much a form of a grandfather paradox. Quest list up to the defeat of the efreet. Spoiler Dude, where's my world? - Find out where you are Mysterious noise -Investigate the noises in the distance -Defend the people from the bandits The man in black -Get to the mysterious man in the distance Hello my name is... -Talk to the wandering stranger on the road -Follow luke to Fayd or Ashvale Council of Fayd -Meet with the Fayd council Council of Ashvale -Meet with the Ashvale council Knowlege is power -Choose a class from the old scholar Defender -Protect the innocents from the raiders in either Fayd or Ashvale (whichever city you followed luke to) More pressing matters -Return to the (Fayd or Ashvale, whichever you had defended) council Back to the beginning -Return to the ruined city to find and destroy Efreet Gameplay things Spoiler Boss list Spoiler Lust Gluttony Pestilence Efreet Asmodeus Beelzebub Greed Sloth War Pandoran Nightmare Mammon Belphagor Wrath Pride Famine Demonic Zealot Gaap Amon Envy Leviathan Death Abbaddon Overlord Shiva & Lazarus Lazarus the Beast Lazarus the Stranger Lazarus the Dragon Bonus boss list Spoiler Yin Dragon Yang Dragon Waste Dragon The Sphynx Groundshaker King of Hearts Black hole Knight Corrupt Valkyrie Frozen hydroid Blackfire weirding Generator III Omni IV Abbaddon motherling Lucifer Lazarus the Horror Classes Spoiler Dragoon Spoiler A knight devoted to dragons, most attacks are fire based and can cause area damage while attacking normally. Evolves at level 50 into Dracomancer Spoiler Skilled at summoning dragons, also good at taming them. Evolves at level 25 into Dragon Lord Spoiler Skilled at everything dealing with dragons, can summon dragons, can ride them, tame them, and is especially proficient in killing them. Knight Spoiler A knight devoted to nothing at all, is able to go berserk. Evolves at level 50 into Templar Spoiler Skilled at minor healing, also is good at defending. Evolves at level 25 into Paladin Spoiler Skilled at moderate healing and with high defense, a paladin is a force not to be taken lightly. Necromancer Spoiler Skilled at the dark arts, can summon the dead among other things. Evolves at level 50 into Undying Spoiler Halfway through the process of becoming a lich, only half alive. Evolves at level 50 into Lich Spoiler An undead necromancer, can raise armies of the dead to march on their living brethren. Also has a chance that he will come back from "dying" Archmage Spoiler Adept at elemental magic, can cast some white magic as well. Evolves at level 50 into Sourcerer Spoiler Skilled at performing a higher quality of magic. Evolves at level 25 into Warlock Spoiler A master of black magic at its roots, also can feed off of others magic. Ninja Spoiler Relies on stealth rather than strength. Evolves at level 50 into Theif Spoiler Porficient at stealling and looting while remaining unnoticed. Evolves at level 25 into Assassin Spoiler A master of sneaking in the dark, can have a chance to assassinate. Bard Spoiler A travelling man, could be called a jack of all trades, but master of none. Evolves at level 50 into Explorer Spoiler Good at finding new places, can do what he needs to. Evolves at level 25 into Cartographer Spoiler Having found a calling, is able to map out areas, can also do just about whatever the situation calls for. Technomancer Spoiler In essence an engineer, can build, rebuild or repair machinery. Evolves at level 50 into Archaeologist Spoiler Good at diggin up the past and putting it to good use. Evolves at level 25 into Artificer Spoiler Talented at pulling the magic out of artifacts, can use it to unleash bursts of magic. Mime Spoiler Can create invisible barriers to shield from enemies or invisible weapons to attack them. Evolves at level 50 into Illusionist Spoiler Good at making things appear to be not the way they really are. Can make a fake clone of ones-self to confuse enemies. Evolves at level 25 into Genie Spoiler Master of the unreal, unlike the illusionist can actually bend reality. Can make an actual clone one-self for combat purposes. Gunslinger Spoiler The only first person class in the game. Also the only one able to use guns. Evolves at level 50 into Grenadier Spoiler Now explosives are at your disposal. Evolves at level 25 into Sniper Spoiler The perfect long-range infantry unit, can instantly kill some enemies with headshots. Harbinger Spoiler A knight bent on death and destruction. Evolves at level 50 into Dark Templar Spoiler Skilled at healing using the dark arts. Evolves at level 25 into Dark Paladin Spoiler The opposite of the normal paladin, when the dark paladin in bathed in blood he is rejuvenated. Animist Spoiler Can morph into an animal/creature that has been recently killed for a short period. Evolves at level 50 into Witch Doctor Spoiler Can use voodoo and black magic to curse enemies. Evolves at level 25 into Shaman Spoiler Fine tuned with the spirits of the earth and nature, can make plants grow rapidly and give them the ability to fight for you. Pirate Spoiler Skilled at melee combat and pillaging. Evolves at level 50 into Barbarian Spoiler Brutal and unrelenting, is not concerned about defence at all. Evolves at level 25 into Air Raider Spoiler Now with command of an airship, you can pillage and roam the wastelands easily. Can call for help from other air raiders. Time Mage Spoiler A user of time magic, can alter the flow of time slightly. Evolves at level 50 into Time Breaker Spoiler A user of time magic, can dramatically alter the flow of time. Evolves at level 25 into Chrono Knight Spoiler A knight skilled at altering time, can stop enemies simply by attacking them. Antimage Spoiler The spellcasters bane, is proficient in killing magic users. Evolves at level 50 into Sand Raider Spoiler Proficient at taming desert creatures and stealing. Evolves at level 25 into Bounty Hunter Spoiler Proficient in killing anything that is humanoid. Poacher Spoiler Good at trapping, killing or taming animals. Evolves at level 50 into Lumberjack Spoiler Can sell lumber for more money than usual, can dismember some enemies. Evolves at level 50 into Gaia Knight Spoiler A knight devout to nature, can summon stone spikes up from the ground underneath enemies. Demonologist Spoiler Similar to the necromancer, can summon demons to fight alongside you. Evolves at level 50 into Unholy Mage Spoiler With a whole slew of dark magic at its disposal, is the bane of things holy. Evolves at level 25 into Demon Lord Spoiler Can summon very strong demons and can convert demons to fight with you. Samurai Spoiler Good at melee combat but can use black magic. Evolves at level 50 into Red Samurai Spoiler Can summon spirits of ancient samurai to aid you. Evolves at level 25 into Shogun Spoiler Very fast, it is hard to get the first hit against a shogun. Blood Mage Spoiler Master of blood magic, can sacrifice health for power. Evolves at level 50 into Leach Spoiler Skilled at draing the health of others to add to the pool of health to sacrifice. Evolves at level 25 into Dark Monk Spoiler A monk that has dabbled in the dark arts, can cloak in shadows and can use dark magic. Hermit Spoiler Used to seclusion, is very good at healing. Evolves at level 50 into Man-O-War Spoiler Skilled at melee combat and speed, a man-o-war is only weak to magic. Evolves at level 25 into Reaver Spoiler Only capable of using a scythe, the reaver is the ultimate tool of melee combat, but the only way to become one is to sacrifice all resistance to magic. Hero Spoiler The all around class, is bad at nothing but has no special characteristics. Evolves at level 50 into Champion Spoiler Has no special characteristics. Evolves at level 25 into Warlord Spoiler Has no special characteristics. Final Boss Fight Spoiler Stage 1 Lazarus will begin as an undead pheonix and will be accompanied by a large half organic half mechanical beastlike titan called shiva, as long as lazarus remains on the field shiva will be constantly resurected. To kill lazarus, being that he is not alive you have to heal him fully so he becomes a normal pheonix then kill him and shiva for good. Stage 2 Lazarus will then morph into a cloaked figure much like the grim reaper without skeletal features, just a long floating black cloak and blazing yellow eyes. He will use magic and blast you away from him so you can't actually get to him unless you use ranged attacks to stun him or prevent him from using magic (spells to do this will only work as he is casting) Stage 3 Lazarus will then morph into a large reptilian beast with one large eye and and a large circular mouth, this form will specialize in melee attacks amd minor magic. To defeat him you must use stop on his eye to keep him from seeing you, go behind him to his weak spot on his back and attack it. Stage 4 Lazarus will finally morph into a massive dragon deity circling the mirage citadel, to defeat lazarus you must simply survive for thirty minutes riding on his back killing ememies that appear and seal him away in pandoras box. Totem spirits Spoiler Totem spirits are essentially what race you want to be, but you are only that race when in combat. In the beginning of the game the characters will play a board game, and you will be prompted to choose a piece. This piece will be what totem spirit you will have, being as they travel through the box with you you become magically bonded with them. Draconian: Atk: +15 Def: +20 Spd: +10 Mgk: +5 -Half human -Half dragon, the Draconians are a well weathered race that can endure many physical burdens although weaker of mind than humans. Dwarf: Atk: +15 Def: +20 Spd: +5 Mgk: +10 -A subspecies of humans that lived in mining areas, eventually evolving to become tougher and smarter but also becoming shorter and slower Minotaur: Atk: +20 Def: +10 Spd: +15 Mgk: +5 -Half human -Half bull, has a thick hide that acts as a natural armor and are known for their nature to be agrivated easily Satyr: Atk: +5 Def: +15 Spd: +10 Mgk: +20 -Half human -Half goat, skilled at white magic. Satyr are hardy and resistant to nearly all known diseases and poisons Elf: Atk: +10 Def: +5 Spd: +15 Mgk: +20 -A mystical race adept at spellcasting in its many forms, are quick on their feet but fragile Human: Atk: +15 Def: +5 Spd: +20 Mgk: +10 -A fragile warfaring race, quick on their feet and strong and moderate at spellcasting Troll: Atk: +20 Def: +15 Spd: +10 Mgk: +5 -A brutal fiendish race, these clumbsy oafs are barbaric titans in battle. Their thick hide acts as a natural armor Gargoyle: Atk: +10 Def: +20 Spd: +5 Mgk: +15 -Stone reptiles that adorn castles after death, good at using magic and can hold their own ground well, but are very slow on the ground Valkyrie: Atk: +10 Def: +5 Spd: +20 Mgk: +15 -Once thought to be angels, these humans with wings are agile and intelligent making them ideal for spellcasters Ent: Atk: +10 Def: +20 Spd: +5 Mgk: +15 -These tree-folk were not discovered until recent destruction of large forests, their thick bark acts as a natural armor and they are skilled at white magic Horsemen powers Spoiler War will have an enrage gauge that when filled will cause war to enter a 30 second berserk phase Death will have a punishment gauge that when filled will banish all foes with lower than half health, instantly killing them Pestilence will have a plague gauge that when filled will summon a swarm of locusts that will attack all foes near pestilence for 30 seconds Famine will have a drought gauge that when filled will half attack and defense of all surrounding foes for 30 seconds Cities Spoiler The Ruined city Asphoria Sunsand Flaron Grandeon Ashvale Fayd Merkyl Magdayn Unduir Willow glade Camori Obsidian city Goval Voriad Whisp Yelmaria Horunin Klo Forge Veritas Barcas Jovan Nuun Donn Phayr Golden City Capital Thresh Wield Monsters Spoiler A list of some monster that will be in the game Lord abbaddon Abbaddon knight Abbaddon necromancer Abbaddon champion Abbaddon siegemage Abbaddon golem Abbaddon golem master Abbaddon golem knight Abbaddon wyvern rider Abbaddon dragon Abbaddon nomad Abbaddon valkyrie Abbaddon guardian Abbaddon ninja Abbaddon giant Abbaddon monk Protox Neutox Atomox Mechimera Techno joker Techno chimera Mole-mine Hover motion sensor Hover proximity mine Wind-up soldier Clockwork knight Alpha magnet Beta magnet Omnitron mangnus Omnitron magnus omega Omega V prototype Omega V security camera Daemon Alpha daemon Daemon knight Daemon archer Daemon assassin Daemonium gaurdian Unholy paladin Darkness chimera Darkness neo-chimera Darkness mechimera Necro tyrant Necro valkyrie Darkness joker Darkness python Demon cage Lost soul Plagued soul Shadow weirding Living mail Phantom ninja Phantom knight Zombie Golem Golem master Void wyvern Void eye Inferno Lava weirding Fire wyvern Fire eye Supernova Blackhole Ice wyvern Ice eye Blizzard giant Thunder wyvern Thunder eye Thunder giant Storm weirding Flashbang Boulder Dark storm Forest weirding Marsh weirding Red crystal soldier Blue crystal soldier Yellow crystal soldier Inferno chimera Jungle ninja Sea tyrant Zephyr Tomb protector Stone gaurdian Sphynx Chimera Wyvern Eye Giant eye Windshy Desert raider Exiled wanderer Exiled knight Exiled giant Exiled valkyrie Exiled sentinel Gargoyle Alpha eye Alpha windshy Alpha gargoyle Neo-chimera Succubus Tyrant Cyber joker War mage Renegade valkyrie Air raider Mecha python Gargoyle knight Infected scavenger Sentinel Dark sentinel Time dragon Great time dragon Greater time dragon Skeletal dragon Waste dragon Wasteland nomad Dragon rider Necro joker Items Spoiler -Healing items- Lazarus talon Restores a fallen ally Lazarus feather Restores all fallen allies Lazarus potion Heals 50% of a characters health Lazarus powder Heals 50% of all party members health Holy water Cures the curse ailment Antidote Cures the poison ailment Restart button Cures the stop ailment Serene powder Cures the paranoia ailment -Battle items- Void crystal Inflicts constant shadow damage to one foe until curse is lifted Black hole crystal inflicts stop to all near foes Inferno crystal Instant fire spell Blizzard crystal Instant ice spell Lightning crystal Instant thunder spell Paranoia crystal Inflicts paranoia to surrounding foes for 5 seconds -Alchemic materials- Red crystal powder Alchemy ingredient Blue crystal powder Alchemy ingredient Yellow crystal powder Alchemy ingredient Black crystal powder Alchemy ingredient White crystal powder Alchemy ingredient Inferno powder Fire weapon augmentation Blizzard powder Ice weapon augmentation Lightning powder Thunder weapon augmentation Void powder Shadow weapon augmentation Divine powder Light weapon augmentation -Keys- Sky ship key Allows passage on captain aero's sky ship Gate key Opens gate in hellfire keep Skeleton key Opens all locked doors in the dead mines Eye of the beholder Allows entrance to mirage citadel, also provides information on enemies when used in combat -miscellaneous- Windshy feather Teleports party to any previously visited city once Sky ship ticket Allows passage on a commercial sky ship once Invisibility stone Renders party temporarily invisible -armors- Windshy cloak Teleports party to any previously visited city when used Acheivements, if it is made for a form of xbox in thhe future. Spoiler 15g- And on the first day... Completed the prologue 15g- Strange stranger Completed chapter one 15g- Hunger pains Completed chapter two 40g- The first of four (secret) Defeated War 15g- Born of a broken man Completed chapter four 15g- Don't feed the animals Completed chapter five 15g- The devourer Completed chapter six 15g- What's mine is mine Completed chapter seven 15g- Maybe tomorrow Completed chapter eight 40g- Biohazard (secret) Defeated Pestilence 15g- Fear the shadows Completed chapter ten 15g- Pack rat Completed chapter eleven 15g- Procrastination Completed chapter twelve 15g- Retaliation Completed chapter thirteen 15g- Infamous Completed chapter fourteen 40g- Starvation (secret) Defeated Famine 15g- Something wicked this way comes Completed chapter sixteen 15g- Fury Completed chapter seventeen 15g- Very tall tales Completed chapter eighteen 15g- The green monster Completed chapter nineteen 15g- The one that got away Completed chapter twenty 40g- Pale horse, pale rider (secret) Defeated Death 15g- Abomination Completed chapter twenty-two 40g- The end of days (secret) Completed chapter twenty-three 15g- Finder (secret) Found the ancient alcove 15g- Seeker (secret) Defeated all bonus bosses 20g- Normal (secret) Completed the story on at least normal 20g- Endowed (secret) Completed the story on at least endowed 20g- Inhuman (secret) Completed the story on at least inhuman 20g- Demigod (secret) Completed the story on demigod 20g- The Defiler (secret) Defeated the final boss fight without any characters dying 20g- My stick is bigger Defeated a friend in a versus match 20g- Buddy up Complete the story in two player co-op 20g- Four is more than one Complete the story in four player co-op 20g- Gladiator Win 50 online versus matches 20g- War-chief Win 100 online versus matches 20g- War monger Win 200 online versus matches 20g- Relentless In an online versus match, kill an opponent without getting hit 20g- Squire Get versus character to level 10 20g- Knight Get versus character to level 20 20g- Warlord Get versus character to level 30 20g- Champion Get versus character to level 40 20g- Hero Get versus character to level 50 20g- 20g- 20g- 20g- 20g- 20g- 20g- 20g- I do need to fill these empty acheivements, pm any ideas to me. Now obviously that isn't all I have, but I need to sleep. So while I sleep you go ahead and check this out, and remember I'm going to edit tomorrow to add more stuff, so subscribe and ill reply to let you know when I update this post. Thanks, please give me feedback as a game can't exist without being backed by a community.
Wow I remember reading the first thread this sounds like an intresting game how is it coming along. looks like you got quite a bit of new ideas since i looked at the old thread. i hope this game does good because it sounds like a very intresting idea.
Yeah, I've been working on a map for matchmaking the past couple days so I haven't really had the chance to work on it recently... I can't really say anything about the other couple months I didn't work on it, lol. But yeah, I've been doing more script/dialogue writing but its just not sounding good... Writing dialogue isn't my thang. Its coming along very slowly, whenever I remember about it I work on it, its been an on/off project for at least since freshman year of highschool, if not, then the day I watched grandmas boy...
what game engine are you using to make this? do you have any pictures? sounds interesting but pics would be nice.
I'm really not sure which engine to use, most of them I don't think would support the class variety that I have or just wouldn't support both the gunslinger and normal classes seeing as for him the game is an fps/rpg the rest it'll play like an action/rpg... So idk, any suggestions? I may have to make my own engine, which will take even longer. Ugh, making games is hard. Ill try and get some sketches of battlefields, cities, monsters, whatever I can find pronto. Btw you guys have seen the new styling for borderlands right? Think that + devil may cry... I think that captures the immage of what I'm doing, and I do say immage, I'm not saying the game will play like them.
Hmm... I was going to suggest MMF 2 but that only works for 2-D games. The 3-D engine is too weak currently for any real use. If you manage to find one that works well for you for 3-D use tell me, I'd be highly interested.
Yeah I looked into that, I could probably change stuff up a little and do a psp version using a 2d engine... If all else fails for the full game though, I may have to resort to unreal III engine... If it will even work for this. But yeah, I'm probably going to have to build an engine for it, which will suck for me. But yeah, I really haven't seen many good engines out that can do what I need it to do.
I don't think it counts but I made board game for me and my friends to play =P But yeah, this definitly is a first for me but I really would like to complete it so I can put it in my work portfolio to show either square enix, bungie or valva when I apply for a job at one of them. Just think itd be badass to have a working full game in it, I think that would be an almost instant hire.
Those are good companys I'd love to work for one of them but i can't make gaames maybe a business position.
If you can do good creating writing, conceptual drawing, coding, 3d animation... Or other stuff, you probably could get a job if you're good at it.
Nah I'm not good with computers and there will always be business oppurtunities as well marketing/advertising and other business type things eill be needed you still need computers ut not all that advanced stuff.