Sandbox Tumble V2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by ZOMBIECOW11, Jul 17, 2009.


    ZOMBIECOW11 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Tumble V2

    Intro: One night at about 12 @ night I decided that I was a little tired of playing infection over and over and decided that I needed another source of fun. Thus, I finished my first Slayer map that night. Soon after I decided to modify the map. And that is how Tumble V2 was born. Any critisism is acceptable and appreciated. I hope you enjoy.

    Description: A Team Slayer, Capture the Flag and King of the Hill appropriate map with even symmetry and a balance of weapons. Most enjoyable with a BR start.

    Weapons and Equipment: # spawn extra clips
    Battle Rifle -------------4 --30 -----0
    Carbine ----------------1 --90 -----0
    SMG ------------------2 --90----- 0
    Sniper Rifle -------------1 -120---- 0
    Brute Shot -------------1-- 90----- 0
    Power Drain------------ 2-- 60------X

    Download Tumble V2: : Halo 3 File Details







    Starting spawn for red team.

    Awesome use of teamwork.
    Nice use of cover.

    Kill the sniper with a carbine flank.
    Faithful use of Power Drain.
    Agressive nade.

    Download Tumble V2: : Halo 3 File Details
    #1 ZOMBIECOW11, Jul 17, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2009
  2. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    There is some very good forging here, it looks smooth but there is one thing I don't like; it needs cover, severely. There are very open areas where it looks like the sniper would dominate from the middle. If you add some kind of structures that add height by the bases and block some lines of sight from middle, then I think it should be good.

    Cover in proportion=good

    Make sure that you don't just make cover, make a building that adds flow and blocks some views. Therefor your cover should be a part of something that adds to the gameplay.
  3. TurretFrog

    TurretFrog Ancient
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    You might want to try and add a bit more cover where the teams spawn. I can for-see spawn camping being a real issue. Maybe toss in a few Bubble Shields and some Deployable cover to give players a bit more protection. Aside from the center and the barren ditches, I think that the spawn areas for teams should really be a little more protective. I just see how a skilled team could hold down the middle and camp the opposing teams spawn side. That's how I see it.
  4. Vandal

    Vandal Ancient
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    Cover is definenetly a must to make this map play more smoothly. In a 2v2 scenario it wouldnt be as big an issue but the higher you go up, it might lead to short games with lots of groans. Other than that, forging looks really excellent, and with a few minor improvements could be really good.
  5. Mr Garfunkle

    Mr Garfunkle Ancient
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    A very innovative map, I must say. That being said, it looks somewhat unfinished. Spawn camping is imminent on this map due to the lack of any real base structure. There is no second level, which can provide a great asset to gameplay. If you have not hit the OLN/Budget limit, then I would really suggest adding walkways, higher ground, different lines of sight, and different spawning capabilities instead of a wide open platform. What you've got looks great, it just needs much more.

    ZOMBIECOW11 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Cover what definetly not be an issue if I could make anymore. I started making things to help with spawn killling and such but I couldn't make anymore. I wasn't even able to add extra grenades.
  7. Reidypeedy

    Reidypeedy Ancient
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    I really like how u dont see the crypt floor.. it makes it feel good or whatever idk.. but the structures are built good and the design of each and the detail in each is great... but the map looks very boring.. its almost a flat one leveld map.. overall 7.5/10
    #7 Reidypeedy, Jul 17, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2009
  8. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    The lines of sight going down through either side seem far too open. I think that if you had removed some of the more trivial objects that were interlocked at the middle point and used them as cover, then it would not have been so much of a problem anymore. And what's the intention of not using the ground floor, as it is already available and would help lower item usage? However, the middle dividing line really is the nicest part of this map. It's all just basic Forging, but if you did some retouching on it, it would make for a fairly nice symmetrical arena-sized map.
  9. Snict

    Snict Ancient
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    The map is FAR too open and there really isnt enough cover to warrant a sniper as it would be easy to basically camp on one corner of the map and snipe every body who spawns. But on the good side the redesigned floor is mint! and the overall innovative feeling of the map is awsome. :)
    #9 Snict, Jul 18, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2009
  10. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    One thing is for sure in this map.
    It is extremely open.
    I played this map the other day in a friend's party and to be honest, it didn't really play well in the least. Players were being spawn camped easily due to poor spawn placement and lack of cover. I for one kept spawning in the same place over and over again, unable to get five steps past the first level before dying. The biggest issue was the spawns and lack of cover. The picture above saying "nice use of cover" is a joke to me. It isn't cover; it's just another level of geometry that was just there.
    I can't say I like this map in the least. Next time remember that adding a few somewhat random pieces of cover will not hurt your map and also move the spawns around throughout the entire map.

    ZOMBIECOW11 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Are you saying the cover he is using isn't cover? Well anyway I will try to make the proper adjustments and see if I can free up some space by deleting some non-important piecews of the map. Thanks for the feedback. From my experience, the spawns themselves are not the problem, but the root of the problem is like previously stated: cover.
    #11 ZOMBIECOW11, Jul 18, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2009
  12. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Perhaps you should experiment with higher/lower levels of playing. It gives a different view of the arena, and it helps to change the format of the game. By that regard, I'm thinking mostly as in a few outlying small structures that can be traversed upon also, that allow players above to drop down on enemies below. It adds an extra level of playability as well.

    ZOMBIECOW11 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I fixed up the cover and spawn by deleting the walled floor and will soon post V3 if anyone is interested. Thanks for the feedback anyway.
  14. valhalla141

    valhalla141 Ancient
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    definitely very cool looking map

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