The Iliad (Map/Gametype Idea (Discussion Appreciated))

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Mr. Skittles, Jul 17, 2009.

  1. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    I don't know what forum this belongs in, but I wanted to show everyone :)
    Alright, I really want to tell the whole community about this new idea I have (actually, it isn't all that new, I have had it for a few days). Now, as some or maybe most of you know, I have the Red Ring of Death. But it should be coming back soon, and I plan on wasting the next couple days with it making this. And that's why I want your guys' CnC on it.

    As the title says, it is based... no, it will be entirely about "The Iliad," the first of the two epic novels by the poet Homer. It describes the betrayal of the son of Troy's leader, Alexander (I will refer to him as Paris), who stole the king of Sparta's wife, Helen.

    Here is the story, for those who want to get what I'm saying as I continue :p
    Paris steals Helen, the wife of the king of Sparta, from Greece on his and his brother's - Hector - voyage back to Troy, after a celebratory party in honor of the nations' new alliance.

    Menelaos, the Spartan king, called upon his brother, Agamemnon, to gather his mighty Greek forces and sail to destroy the city Troy. Agamemnon is thrilled, but needs the warrior Achilles' help.

    He receives his help, and the armada sails to Troy, where they fight a fierce battle, with many, many men dying. Achilles and his Greeks cause the most havoc, however, along with Ajax, the immensely powerful warrior with his mighty hammer (this is not a confirmed weapon. I am only using it as it is depicted in the movie Troy).

    But when Agamemnon takes Achilles' prize girl, Briseis, from the sacked temple of Apollo, the warrior declines to continue fighting, and the Greeks begin to lose severely.

    Agamemnon regrets his decision, and resignedly gives Briseis back, and Achilles begins the fight anew, turning the tide once more in the Greeks' favor.

    Hector, the oldest son of Priam, the leader of Troy, decides to fight Achilles, in a battle to determine the fate of Troy. Achilles wins, and the Greeks begin to attack the city, but are turned back from the walls.

    Odysseus, Achilles' friend on the field, gives the idea of a large wooden horse as a "gift" to the Trojans, to get inside the city. So the army retreats to a faraway cove, and leave a handful of the best fighters to infiltrate Troy.

    They do so, and open the gates for the rest of the army, leading Troy to destruction. Paris, however, takes up his bow and confronts Achilles, and shoots him in his heel, the only place unprotected by his armor, killing the warrior once and for all.

    A handful of Trojans, including Paris, the captured Briseis, Helen, and Hector's wife, all escape from the burning city, and run off the the west, leaving Troy to its fate.

    Alright, onto the actual description.

    I, of course, have no actual pictures of a map, for I haven't started it, and there exist no pictures of the real deal, so I will describe it all to you.

    I plan on making this map, of course, on the ground level of Sandbox, stacked and budget glitched. However, I won't be making it on a blocked canvas, because I do not want any traversing into the outer parts of the map.

    Easy as pie, this is. I will make a fairly large city, taking up as most space as possible of one end of the map, going as far as I can out without crossing the "kill-border." I want a fair amount of space between the city and the Greeks.

    I am also going to build the city on as much of a rise as I can, for the book describes the war as an uphill battle.

    Now, the Trojans have their city, with tall walls and heavy gate. And, of course, they get their general, Hector. What do the Greeks have? Achilles and his Greeks.

    Now, we start with one boat (which will be heavily anti-spawn-camping), since Achilles rushed off in front of everyone, of course. They start right next to their boat. Now, the beach is comprised of small fortifications. And what is the goal of reaching the city?

    Capturing the territory points along the way. They will be spread out, but they will be linear to the city gates. The first two have no defenses, but the rest have spawn points and maybe a weapon or two for the Trojans.

    Also, the Trojans have their horsemen. These will be mounted players on mongeese, and perhaps a Ghost or Chopper for a heavy warhorse. But I doubt it. You'll have to be careful with these, for the weapons for the mounted players and the mongeese will have a LONG respawn time.

    In the mid way point will be the Temple of Apollo, where, sadly, exists no Briseis, but there will be a territory.

    I don't know when, but maybe a fourth of the way in, or a fifth, will be the spawning of the rest of the ships. These will have some sort of bonus to them, along with the ability to play as Ajax (special characters explained later), and the armies' tents for cover.

    About this point, the map will get slightly darker. Then, the Grecian wall appears, allowing a greater area of protection from the Trojans. The Trojans, however, will gain slightly more protection.

    As you can see, this game will take place, for the most part, on the beach of Troy. But that isn't all.

    After the wall appears, it gets fully dark. Now, you can see, but it'll be much harder to fight on the beach. This must continue, however, until Odysseus gets his idea...

    The Trojan Horse! A gift to the Trojans, but unbeknownst to them, their demise, as well. I still have a way to make this appear and have the ability to spawn in it happen only after it does, but it'll be awesome nonetheless. You will be completely safe inside, and will have many routes of exiting, but you also cannot get back inside.

    You must capture three more territories, now. One right under the horse, one further on in the city, right before the staircase maze to the temple, and finally, the temple itself. Of course, Trojans spawn in here, so you'll have to be careful, but there will be a way to prevent camping by the Trojans, for the most part.

    But watch out! Paris will now be playable for the Trojans, and I will make Hector AND Ajax unavailable at this point.

    Once the Greeks have captured all of the territories, it'll switch over teams, and you'll begin all over again! But, it will only have two rounds, so do your best!

    Now that you have read that, let's see the traits for everyone, shall we?


    Unlike most "medieval" games, the regular players will be wielding Assault Rifles instead of swords. Why? Because swords are only for the mighty... the strong... the special characters!!!

    So, yes, you will be using ARs. Not BRs? Boo hoo, that weapon is a precision *****. ARs are useful for semi-close range fighting, and that's what I want to happen. There may be a BR somewhere, but don't count on it too much. I want nice, close quarters fighting on the beach, not long range sniping.

    Now, as a regular player, you will most likely be subject to regular traits and everything (but I want a high gravity). But that is just to make it seem more real. I want you guys to work together, not be useful alone. That's the special character's part.

    Also, you will have a 10 second "Weapon Pickup" for Special Characters ONLY. That way, they can get their weapons, and then no one else can.

    And infinite ammunition, as to not run out when in a firefight.

    And here are the Special Characters!!!


    Finally, the part we all want to know about. These guys are the fun of the game, but whoever becomes one must use them wisely. These are very special and useful, but there will be consequences if you lose on early on.

    And now you ask how we become a special character. Quite easy. Although, there may be a bug or two.

    I will have a very simple mechanism. It will be four boxes, each in the Crypt, with two for either team. Two will contain the same equipment, for Hector and Achilles, the third will contain Ajax's equipment, and the fourth will hold Paris'. This create an equal fight for both sides.

    How it works is that there will be one spawn point in each of them. None will be connected. There will be no way out except for the floating teleporters in either team's base (so you cannot block their exits). I hope - for here is the bug (however, I realize it doesn't count for Paris, silly me) - that whoever spawns in there will be enticed by his/her character's equipment, and pick it all up to become that character, but there is a chance they won't, which makes the game have a chance of failure.

    Once they pick up their stuff (which really isn't all that much for any of them), they will exit via teleporter. But what if someone else spawns there, you ask. They simply teleport out.

    Now, I will explain the two characters that will be available first, first.

    They both have the same stuff, so I will basically just tell you what it is.

    Achilles and Hector

    Custom Powerup x1
    Sword x1
    Spartan Laser x1

    "A SPLAZER?! Are you out of your mind?!" No. This resembles, very greatly, a throwing spear, whcih was the two warriors' secondary weapons. The way it does resemble a spear is: 1) You must find a target and keep concentration on it. 2) You can't have your shot compromised. 3) You need to charge up a shot (resembles balancing and throwing). 4) You may easily miss. 5) People can gang up on you while you get ready to release the "spear."



    Overshield x1
    Gravity Hammer x1

    This makes this guy a nice, tough tank, but he is slower and can't jump as high as Achilles or Hector (he has regular player traits). So use this monster wisely! It would be a great tactic for everyone to cover Ajax, then move as he swings his hammer.

    Sniper Rifle x1
    Fragmentation Grenade x2

    Why not? We can't just leave him with his bow! Paris gets his trusty long-range weapon, and, now, has access to two experimental "Bombs," thanks to Priam's connections in trade with Asia. (Not really, but come on.)

    Sorry for such a long post, but I wanted everything to be explained. If you feel I have forgotten something, please tell me, and then comment on the idea itself.

    Thank you so much if you have gotten this far, and have a great day!

    P.S. The capture time for the territories would be quite long to make the game more fun.

    P.S.S. Lol, I don't think it matters since I have it posted here, but just don't steal my idea. You can alter it, but don't use it how I have it here.

    P.S.S.S. You guys must be wondering "How do you resemble both Hector dying for good and Achilles being out of the battle for a bit?" Easy. Since Hector starts automatically, I will have his room sealed off after twenty seconds, so no one else can be. And when Achilles dies, his stuff will take a while to respawn, so whenever you go in, it won't be in there, but it'll respawn later.
    #1 Mr. Skittles, Jul 17, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2009
  2. l33tmeerkatslol

    l33tmeerkatslol Ancient
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    I'm posting upon request of the original poster. This shall be teh epic winsauce nd itl get featr times liek over 9000 fer sure.
    This is a really good idea.
    I like everything. Especially the fact that you're following the story as much as possible.
    #2 l33tmeerkatslol, Jul 17, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2009
  3. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
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    You get to work on this, and I'll start on Romeo and Juliet. =)
  4. ninjaman

    ninjaman Ancient
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    dude this is a awsome idea.the book was great and i love how you keep to the storyline.i like how use the boxes to hold special weapons and stuff.this a great idea andi cant to see the map and the gametype good luck man.

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