Yeah that's right I use the same render as my last two, but I got bored last night and had a go, just messin around, seeing what I thought looked quite good. I've just noticed a bit of blue on her, might delete that later.
I sort of agree... I don't know if this is what you meant but to me the colours sort of seem a bit too dull, amirite?
Needs Moar Cowbell ! Spoiler lolspoiler Spoiler Needs some sort of blending, And better colours, And less cluttered.
Donii... you piss me off. I don't really like it. Zero blending, LQ render, blurry without depth... The circles are nicely placed, but they are lacking a certain appeal.
You just do. But don't post about it here. Dave, I would recommend you to try some stocks from for future sigs.
WOW, to be honest I kinda liked it when I first made it, but when I read everyones comments, I sorta have to agree with them all.