Here I just made my own variant of the popular "Tower of Power" from Halo 2 The Map: For those of you who don't know what you are supposed to do, you are supposed to capture the tower with the turrets. The attackers rush in and try to overrun the defenders. This is a territories gametype, with 7 total territories This is the Gametype I made, but you could use just about any with lowered shields, and no starting grenades. Here are some pics: Top of Base No Man's Land Base Overview Bottom of Base Attacker Spawn COMMENT AND DOWNLOAD
This map looks pretty cool. I'm going to try it out later. BTW you should intoduce yourself, in the members area.
Hey I really like this map, I used it for infection and it worked lovely, but honestly it's not a tower of power game, maybe fortress of power but not tower of power. That thing is loaded full of turrets and it is almost completely impossible to get in the tower of power, but it's still a fun map for other gametypes though. For most good tower of power maps to work you need a somewhat raised turret area with only one turret, a concealed pathway to the turret, debris scattered in the kill zone in front of the turret (for cover), and a somewhat easier to breach turret area. Hope I could help. Hope you have a nice day.