Sandbox Phobia v2.7

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by H3C x Nevz, Jul 17, 2009.

  1. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    ..:: P h o b i a ::..
    c o m p l e t e

    Phobia is my pride and joy. It has undergone rigorous testing, and its doubles gameplay is rivaled by very few. Every piece on the map is interlocked with at least one other, and the building process was long and detailed. The map was inspired by MLG Onslaught, Moon Waffle, and Gravity Well for the variety of balanced paths (Onslaught) and quick, back and forth gameplay for small parties (Gravity Well & Moon Waffle). Big thanks to Alexybz for his testing, and all of Forge Union for their help and advice.

    The map has three main paths from base to base: sniper bridge, rocket bridge, and middle bridge. it was designed for Forge Union Doubles Gametypes, and it is now in the Gamebattles-style Community Maps Ladder. It plays well with Dubs VIP, Slayer, Flag and Bomb. You can use the default for VIP and Slayer as there are few differences, but the Flag and Bomb games rely on quick recovers and back-and-forth gameplay.

    ..:: P h o b i a ::..
    w e a p o n s​
    • Battle Rifle x4 | 30s and 45s | 2 spare clips | at start
    • Covenant Carbine x3 | 45s | 2 spare clips | at start
    • Rocket Launcher x1 | 120s | 0 spare clips | at start
    • Sniper Rifle x1 | 90s | 1 spare clip | at start
    • Plasma Grenade x2 | 30s | at start
    • SMG x2 | 45s | at start
    • Plasma rifle x2 | 30s | at start
    • Power Drain x1 | 150s | at start
    • Active Camo x1 | 120s | NOT at start
    ..:: P h o b i a ::..
    s c r e e n s h o t s











    ..:: P h o b i a ::..
    a c t i o n s c r e e n s h o t s







    ..:: P h o b i a ::..
    d o w n l o a d​

    Phobia v2.7 (complete)
    Visit Fileshare for Dubs Gametypes
  2. Fousu

    Fousu Ancient
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    Wow, just wow. This map looks worthy to be on the Team Doubles playlist. It looks Guardian-esque, but smaller than Guardian, and the map looks like it plays out great. Halo 3 matchmaking needs a map like this. It's a beautiful map, but also looks like it has some great gameplay. At first glace, I thought that the map was too small, and while it is true that this map is amazingly small, it definately looks great for doubles. Matchmaking needs more maps like this.

  3. TurretFrog

    TurretFrog Ancient
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    It must just be the size of my computer screen, cause the pics are smaller than usual. Anyway. This map sure is impressive. Several paths to get to the other base, each with a distinct reason to take that route, and the obelisks one the outside of the map for aesthetics is wonderful. The name seems aptly chosen, I can't see one playing anything more than Team Doubles.
  4. E.R.SLiM

    E.R.SLiM Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yes this does look like it would be worthy for team doubles. But it looks smaller than guardian but it might be fun. I like how u have the map set up And the different pathways to the other base. this map wouldnt be good for any other gametype cause its to small, but the name fits it well. 3.5/5
  5. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Wow, man. Sweet map. I'm way too lazy to interlock every piece. I like how you put the useless obelisks in the distance for decoration. And I personally think that some of the pieces didn't have to be interlocked, but you went out of your way to so you could have bragging rights. Anyway 4.5/5
  6. arrrghSAM

    arrrghSAM Ancient
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    Having played Phobia many, many times, I have to say that the map is very well deserving of getting into the Dubs playlist.
    Someone said that "It wouldn't work well with other gametypes" - How do you know that? You've never played the map and you're making assumptions from screenshots?
    This plays well in all Dubs gametypes, and the few times we had more than 4, worked well with 3v3.
    The gameplay itself isn't like any of the default Halo maps. I cannot compare it to anything else in terms of pure gameplay.
    The aesthetics on the other hand, I can certainly see how it would remind people of Guardian, for example. (Even more confirmation that Guardian is your favourite map, Nevz :p)
    Well done on such a great map, and I certainly look forward to playing it soon in the 2v2 Community Ladder over at Forge Union. Great job.
  7. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Hey did you take my obelisk design from my GrifGolf map? Or is just coincidence? I mean, maybe more people have used that design as well. Anyways, this map looks pretty good for doubles or DOB. It seems to have nice lines of sight and the ground looks smooth with no cracks. You made a good layout, you must have drawn this out on paper or something. Good job with column placement for cover. 4.7/5
  8. Fruitista

    Fruitista Ancient
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    amazing. every single piece is interlocked and the aesthetics are friken amazing. nice weapong placement and layout but i have one question y v2.7? in anycase this map is very deserving to be in matchmaking but so far bungie has only been using crap maps for matchmaking like vindictive. in anycase a definate 5/5 and worthy of a feature but its only flaw is that it seems small from the pics but i cant really tell since i didnt play it yet overall great map
  9. Meteor

    Meteor Ancient
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    This looks like a great map, but I am a little worried about one thing; the Rockets. Putting them on a map this small is always a risk. Why not replace them with a shotgun or mauler?

    Think about the power weapon whoring that occurs on Epitah and Cold Storage. Gaurdian works brilliantly without a rocket launcher (bar the default powerups) and this could too.
  10. arrrghSAM

    arrrghSAM Ancient
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    I understand your concern about the Rockets, however the map isn't as small as the screenshots seem to make it.
    I personally feel that the Rockets work really well, and there's more than enough cover and lines of sight for a skilled player to be able to take out the opposing player if he does get them.

    Also, it's version 2.7 because Phobia has gone through a few versions so far.
    I think (this isn't definite) that the .7 is because this version doesn't feature any major updates.
    I guess kinda like Apple's updates to OS X and the iPhone firmware - for big updates they jump whole numbers (10.4 - 10.5 or 2.2 - 3.0) and they add smaller numbers afterwards to show smaller updates for security patches etc (10.5.7 or 2.2.1 and so on)
    As I said, that's just they way I see it.
  11. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    I'll just address a few questions. Thanks to all for the comments.
    I did actually resize my images manually and enhance them. That's why you don't see the ugly yellow resize bar at the top of the images and why the images seem a bit more colorful. 3v3 actually works moderately well with this, but you're right, past that point, spawns can't handle the amount of people.

    I never actually saw another map use that technique, but I expected I wasn't the first to use it. Columns outside a map for aesthetics = something a lot of people would look into. Thank you though.

    Appreciate the thought. However, I've based this map on not just forging but extensive playtesting, and with 0 spare clips and the room to move (Most of the time the floor is fairly wide), rockets are really just used to try to gain momentum for a short burst, similar to The Pit. They're far from overpowering such as on Epitaph and Cold Storage - those two are two of my least favorite maps and I made sure to avoid it.

    To answer your question: I jumped from v1 to v2 (Which has a majority of the differences from v1; most barriers on the sniper tower were added, the blue & red columns by rocket side, etc.) and from that point every version (2.1, 2.2, 2.3 up to 2.7) had small changes to make things balanced (Such as adding the plasma rifles, reducing rocket respawn time, and moving respawn points). I would've just named the final product "Phobia" without the v2.7, but I called v1, when I published that, Phobia, so to avoid the confusion or think I'm reposting this I put the v2.7 in.
  12. physcopirahna6

    physcopirahna6 Ancient
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    Looks really good can't wait to try it out
    Now to the forging looks all clean and well put together
    Congratulation it looks really fun 5/5
  13. luckeas

    luckeas Ancient
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    Whats up Nev. I've got a question, what is the point of the obelisk on the outside of the map? It is obvious it is just for aesthetics, but why are they there, it would seem that I would want to use all the budget and limit to better my map, expand it and whatnot, I just don't see the point in em.

    Anyway I'm downloading, and hopefully I can remember to give you a review. Looks interesting enough from the screenshots. Later man.
    #13 luckeas, Jul 17, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2009
  14. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    Thanks lukeas. Like you stated, nothing more than aesthetics, really. I had some extra budget and I thought it gave an aesthetic touch to a map that's mostly just gameplay.
  15. luckeas

    luckeas Ancient
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    Oh hey this is Blackprinze by the way, forgot bout my luckeas name. Alright I gotchya, but yeah from the screenshots this map looks to provide some very interesting gameplay elements unique to Halo 3.
  16. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    Ahh k Backprinze, I was wondering if I knew someone by your name. Big fan of Trial War (And Undertow, that was yours too, right?). Anyways, I'm sure I'll have a custom game where you can check this out.
  17. luckeas

    luckeas Ancient
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    Tribal War, The Kingdom and Orion, Orion is sittin in the second page of forge hub right now if you haven't checked it out.

    Undertow was made by Runtime.

    Yeah, looking forward to trying this map, I'm always looking for good balanced maps that work well for 2v2 or 4v4.
  18. TheClubhouse

    TheClubhouse Ancient
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    I think the map looks great. I'm glad you put up lots of those walls to prevent people from constantly falling off. Thats the one thing alot of these maps in the skybubble seem to be missing. Good job!
  19. xPromekx

    xPromekx Ancient
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    Looks very good from what I can see. A lot of awesome ideas as well.
  20. Meteor

    Meteor Ancient
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    Yeah that's cool, after all, I'm sure you have played this a hundred times more than I have haha. Besides if it is really a problem I could just swap it out myself, that's the beauty of forge :)

    Great map.

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