Map Download Gametypes Slayer FFA Team Slayer CTF Oddball One flag Details This map was probably the funnest out of many ive made. Its been played and tested by me and my freinds, its playable on many different gametypes including your own created gametypes. It took me probably only a day to make but its a good quallity map, spawns work, different variety of weapons, and just a great allround map to play. If youd like to play with me and some friends add me via xbox GT: CaptainnObvious Pics Map Sniper Bridge Oversheild spawn : Halo 3 File Details
It's a bit hard to see with the small pictures and an overview pic would be nice but it looks very well done. The interlocking looks smooth and from the pics it looks good for gameplay. Nice work
Fixed Yea the pictures were a bit small but I just resized them and put them back so they should be way easier to see. Its pretty fun to have a ghost on a map like this even though it may look dumb it was really fun for people, a bit distracting though from the oddball in some games. Had to fix the map a bit but its all fixed now.