Gemini+Midship+something else= The Architecht Hey everyone, I've for a long time waited to make this for a long time, originally I had planned it on foundry (before the legendary maps came out) but I failed horribly in doing what I wanted so I gave up until sandbox came out... Then my abmitions were renewed when I noticed atlas, which I now plan on sending this map to when it is complete and tests are all done to make sure it plays well. I don't have any pictures of the finished product, but it is close to done. However I do have some of it in construction Pics Spoiler Further along, not close to what it is now though. I will update with more pics when I get home. New updated pics! Spoiler Should I have the killball or no killball? Let me know which looks better. No killball With killball. No you cannot accidentally get into it and die. Part that I drew inspiration forom gemini for Ghost+beam rifle spawn, has yet to prove itself overpowering Hammer, to counter the ghost Final version pics! Spoiler New pathways thanks to pjfan's idea he threw at me. Please note this will most likely be the final layout, but the weapons may change or their respawn times may change. Updated Weapons list! Spoiler Weapons: Gravity hammer x1, 120 sec. Brute shot x1, 60 sec, 2 clips Plasma rifle x4, 45 sec. Plasma pistol x1, 30 sec. Carbine x2, 45 sec, 2 clips Spiker x2, 45 sec, 1 clip Assault rifle x2, 20 sec, 2 clips Beam rifle x1, 150 sec. Equipment: Power drain x1, 120 sec. Regenerator x2, 180 sec. Overshield x1, 180 sec. Fragmentation grenade x5, 10 sec. Plasma grenade x7, 30 sec. Spike grenade x2, 20 sec. Vehicles: Ghost x1, 60 sec. (Yes, I did put a ghost on here, and no it isn't overpowered... Or at least it wasn't, it may be now with the new ramps so it can get around better. If it is too strong I will up its respawn time to 90 or 120.) I'm submitting it for team doubles and rumble pit, both of which so far have played extremely well. Also it bears a slight resemblance to gemini I've been told.
Looks like a really nice map. What size are you going for? As of now, it looks like a great 2v2. Also, you should consider putting shield doors around each of the giant structures in the middle is they can extend that far. It would encourage players to battle for the middle, but maybe leave 2 gates for lines of sight.
When I get a pic of it in the current stages, you will understand it more. Shield doors don't reach that far to connect two pillars, plus they look funky on it, not something I want for matchmaking either because they promote camping with my hammer (yes there is a hammer)
What you have so far looks good. How much more do you have to work on, though? Anyway, the aesthetics look great, and I would like to play FFA on this. If you need this tested, send me an invite. But, please send a message first saying "test."
I'm adding some ramps from ghost to the outer ring so it isn't as underpowered. Plus I'm adding spawns for gametypes other than slayer, so I'd say its about 98% done.
This map is an Aesthetic Beauty, and I'd love to help you if you want, GT: Given To Fly 93 Anyway I love the round room, and this is just beautiful
Thanks so much, I'm making this based on my theory: Good aesthetics=Good replayability/Fun gameplay. As far along as it is, I'd say I don't need much help on the forging side except maybe some suggestions on adding something. However, I do need 5 people other than myself for testing and for the three gameplay videos I have to send atlas. So, I have seen two people say they can help test, which leaves three more left. Although the more the merrier, if more than 5 people say they can we can just rotate for testing. Send any questions/comments/concerns to me on my xbl account: Reigning Chaos or here, try and subscribe because I will post a reply when I update the main post. Like now, main post will be very, very soon updated with a current pic. Thanks everyone.
Wow. This is looking great for what it is now. The aesthetics are great. Let's just hope gameplay is the same. Can't wait for it to be released! Also if you have trouble getting testers you can always submit your map to the Tester's Guild. I'm sure the members will be willing to help.
Yeah, the center is really clean but I kind of threw the "bases" in quickly so they aren't interlocked yet, but I'm fixing that right now. On the first test it was pretty fast-paced, and from what I heard everyone liked it then. I figure more people will like it now that the ghost isn't just trapped in the trench the whole game. Also has anyone put any thought into the killball? I will remove it if people don't like it.
Really? From my point of view all of the maps on bungie faves have been horrible. I'm shooting for matchmaking.
I'd say add it in as long as it's just an aesthetic piece and doesn't interfere with the gameplay. I'm pretty sure you said it is unreachable so I wouldn't see any problem with it.
Yeah its just for aesthetics. And I said its immpossible to accidentally hit it, you can do it if you really try to but that is just stupid. So I guess I keep it then. I just finished the spawn placing, the map supports everything but territorries and infection games. Ffa slayer is pretty fun so far.
Please no killball, also I love your shapes and design, but It looks really small, I really think you should incorporate this into a TS game because right now it looks 2v2 I guess do what you want, but I think it would be cool
Ok so far 1 person doesn't want killball, the other is 50/50 I guess, so that puts it at Killball: .5 No killball: 1.5 If no killball stays with higher votes for a day, I will take it off then.
Ok, so that's Killball: .5 No killball: 3.5 Eh guess that's good enough for me... "Poof" killball is deleted... Cool now I have more budget, I actually deleted it a while ago today... Tehe, I just wanted to see if people even wanted it... Anyways, I added two walkways to the bases from sniper spawn, connected obelisks by ghost with large columns to make ring looking things. Added one territory and hit the item limit, so I guess that's all I can do other than remove or change weapons. Or possibly remove gametypes supported... Hmm, choices, choices...
This is looking great Chaos. Can't wait to see the finished version. Next time I'm online and free I'll come check it out