I was just wondering, as the list of maps grows with each map pack, which do you like the most. Or in the case of the Legendary Map pack compared to the already released maps, which do you think you would like the most.
I'll probably love avalanche just because it has tons of vehicles and i just love driving things around.
how can you like a map that you haven't even played in? *points to 5 votes for Legendary map pack maps* foundry is probably the one i love spending time on... just forging, and customs
Avalanche. The idea of gobs of vehicles clashing and creating a big battle, and possibly a big explosion, is my kind of battle. Considering the fact that two of these maps are remakes, people probably know what maps they are going to like because they have played there in previous versions of Halo. The only one in question would be Ghost Town, because it is a new map.
I had to choosefoundry because of Forge! But really I like a lot of maps equally! I like all maps except Epitaph and Isolation is iffy!
i know.. i know i'm just saying, cause the question says what halo 3 map (not 1, or 2) but i know what you mean, relax
I wont vote for the new maps, because i haven't played them, and dont know what they will be like (both remakes they have changed things around, and i dont know how they will affect the game). So I'm going to be different and say Narrows. Because I love sniping, and thats all I do when i play Narrows.
I don't get what you are saying... mostly the only map actually changed that signifigantly alters play is Foundry, most other maps are USUALLY left be.
Not necesarily! I know tons of great Sandtrap maps, and what about shark on jaws? Who's never played that?!?!
Guardian. Everything just seems to flow. Great weapon balance, plenty of choices for routes and combat, plus man-cannons! I know everybody will like Lock/Blackout better, but Guardian is fresh but still familiar. Except for 8 player multi-team crazy king. That just sucks.
I had to go with a new Bungie map in the future because I am just praying they remake Middy. Greatest competitive map ever because it was so versatile with gametypes (CTF, TS, FFA, KoTH, whatever).
Not including the Legendary Map Pack, I have many favorites. My top three favorites are The Pit, Guardian, and Construct.