Racetracks dont need aesthetics

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by oO SLiK Oo, Jul 13, 2009.

  1. oO SLiK Oo

    oO SLiK Oo Ancient
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    Okay people, every damn time i look at racetracks on here people always comment saying it needs more aesthetics. Hello! When you make a racetrack you focus more the track it self then having aesthetics. If its a aesthetics racetracks, thats different because manly you would want scenery instead of a good track. When you make racetracks, you try to get it a very fun and good track. Recently on my racetrack Andromeda, people are complaining saying it needs more aesthetics, and i always say the same thing, " I hit the item limit and cant do no more". Thats why there called racetracks because you want to race. If you have a good track and you have stuff left over, then you put aesthetics on it. Aesthetics are basically the extra stuff you have left over in your map that you can do stuff with. On Andromeda, I had nothing left over, i was screwed over on it. I used the defaulted items on it that was left over. So please people, dont complain if racetracks dont have not much aesthetics to it or none. Thank you, i have just been tired of seening this. So yea

    This is Andromeda

    Also aesthetic are fun, but you DONT need them.
    #1 oO SLiK Oo, Jul 13, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2009
  2. Aaronator

    Aaronator Ancient
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    I agree completely with you. You go to the aesthetic section to look at asthetics. Yes but a post like this has been needed for quite a while.

    EDIT: BTW i recommend taking the link off. It can be considered Advertising.
    #2 Aaronator, Jul 13, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2009
  3. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    In my opinion, race tracks look good enough (such as Andromeda) without extra aesthetics. I don't understand why people would complain about there not being enough aesthetics in the first place on a map (gameplay > aesthetics). Whoever said you need to add more to a race track to make it look good is wrong. Every race track I see looks amazing and the banked turns and sloping hills and drops look great.

    And yes, Aaronator is correct. You can't cross advertise (even though you weren't trying to) Andromeda. Put an overview picture of Andromeda instead of the link.
    #3 Psycho, Jul 13, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2009
  4. Nick Novikov

    Nick Novikov Ancient
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    That map looks sexy as is. Your are right aesthetics are not needed, they are just a bonus.
  5. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    In my opinion, Aesthetics make the race tracks stand out more. You can have a track that works 100%, looks good, but is just a simple track with nothing more, or you can have the same exact thing with something that pops out, that shows you put the extra time and effort, like say, driving into a dinasaur's mouth, to be randomly awesome like a mini-golf park.

    Aesthetics are just a way to get your tracks recongnized and remembered easier, much like say, Eight Emerald Legs is remembered because of the Spider. It's the first thing that comes to mind when mentioned. You might as well say that Aesthetics aren't needed in any map, but when used, it shows hard work and determination to make the map look and play great. Just because a map doesn't have that added zip, doesn't mean it's bad, but might not be as remebered as much unless the map has great gameplay, what you should always aim for.

    To sum up, Gameplay is more important, but that doesn't mean Aesthetics should be ignored. A good map looks and plays great.
  6. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
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    And really, Aren't you only focused on the track/other groups while racing. I believe you have a very valid point here. Nice map BTW.

    Racetracks are Racetracks. Have you ever seen anyone say at the daytona 500 "needz moar aestetics (spelling?)"
  7. oO SLiK Oo

    oO SLiK Oo Ancient
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    Yea your right, but aesthetics do make it pop out , but if people cant put anymore aesthetics on a map, commenters still say needs more aesthetics, But you can make a racetack that looks good and plays good just by make the track look amazing, like well put toghter.
  8. Manoukian1414

    Manoukian1414 Ancient
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    When I download a racetrack i look at how the racetrack is created. My opinion is that the racetrack itself is the asthetic part of a raetrack map. I want a smoothe racetrack with few bumbs not a blocky one.

    EDIT: Slik basically summed everything i said in the last sentence in the post above me
    #8 Manoukian1414, Jul 13, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2009
  9. oO SLiK Oo

    oO SLiK Oo Ancient
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    Thanks and i know right, Like nascar needs more aesthetics, haha lol. Its the same thing.
  10. Aaronator

    Aaronator Ancient
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    MAkE THE R0Ad BlUe n PUrp|e!!!!

    haha. thats what i heard about a racetrack once. The make was like WTF. Yea but threads like that and any others that blatently disobey things said by the maker or common sense should me marked as spam and nothing else.
  11. HJ117

    HJ117 Ancient
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    thank you lol finally im glad you made this post lol just like my new track i finished b4 my xbox broke but cant post lol i cant make one more object and i bet ppl will complain about how i need more asthetics and its good as it is and you know that slik : ) deffinitley my best track yet i know it is and i think you do to hehe and thanks for posting this everything you said is true : )
  12. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Replace "Racetracks" with "any type of map", and you get the general complaint of every single forger to date.
  13. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    I agree with what SLiK is saying here. It is getting annoying that a lot of members always seem to bring up the same old comments about the track not have enough aesthetics. Most members on FH don't even really forge. They just come here to DL maps. That is fine. I think members need to realize that bungie gave every map an OLN (Object Limit Number). They had too to cut down on lag and other problems. That being said, a track can only have a limited amount of aesthetics, especially if the track is long and complicated. I would rather have a balance between the length of a track and how much scenery there is around the track. I feel that Andromeda is one of the most amazing tracks to date. I guess SLIK could have made the track shorter to add more aesthetics if he wanted, however he wanted to make a longer and more fun track. He eventually hit the OLN. So please be aware of the OLN issue before you comment on maps stating that there is not enough aesthetics.

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