damn I don't know if it is it must be one of the older ones i have'nt played for awhile cause at first look it kinda looks disneyish but if it is it's probably FFIX, I really don't know now that you mention it.
Okay, i've googled it. Hallow Bastion is an original Kingdom Hearts world. Not from Disney nor Final Fantasy. I figured it was because in KH1 Leon, Yuffie, and Aerith all said they grew up there... But we all know that they didn't grow up there, I guess storywriters put that there for the sake of the story of KH...
Yea they are from different games to leon was FF VIII and Aerith and Yuffie were FF VII. If they put a Final Fantasy world in KH. Are they even Making a third or what it's a popular game you think they would.
Well, i know of the 3 new ones they are making for mobile, PSP, and DS. For PS3, i don't know. Square-Enix should though, do you know how much the sales of the PS3's sales will go up cause of that game!? I don't even own a PS3, or like it, but I will buy one just for Kingdom Hearts 3.
Talking to a Kingdom Hearts Addict. Heres the secret ending to KH2. YouTube - Kingdom Hearts 3 Heres the full version thats been edited with subtiles. YouTube - Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep (PSP) trailer [High Quality]YouTube - Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep (PSP) trailer [High Quality] i can say for a fact that. None of these people are Sora, Roxas, Kairi, Riku, Micky Mouse, Riku. Or any charcters from pervious KH titles. And the bald man, thats Ansem. And the figure running next to him is a "Unborn". And at the end. That is Micky Mouse. And his big feet. =) (It wouldn't let me post just 1 video, whenever I did it said invalid, then I erased and repasted, and it made two somehow.)
I got that first video on KH2 it's for Birth by Sleep, and I'm looking forward to the DS KH game it sounds like it will be intresting. Information about birth by sleep is hard to find anyone else know about it.
The one that says Kingdom hearts 3 is incorrect. The secret ending video in Kingdom Hearts 2 is the trailer to Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, not Kingdom Hearts 3. I guess you already know that though, lots of people was confused about it.
Available for the PSP.. Or was it the PS3? And I know it's not 3, I didn't name it, but when the secret ending was first revealed, all we had to go on was a third one. Yesh I did =). See what I said above. =D
Thats what i thought when i first saw it to everyone did we really had no way of knowing what it really was, but what i find strange is those videos are our main source of information about the game.
Anybody else think that (besides perhaps birth by sleep) all of the up-coming KH games will suck? I mean honestly, I just wanted the next installment in the story line. But no.
Really? One's on a cell phone for crying out loud. The other one is still about Roxas, and I couldn't care less about him or his friends. They're just clones of Sora, Riku, and Kairi.
Agreed. I don't see why they're wasting all their time on these ****ing handheld games. They are well aware that if anyone was asked what the next KH installment should be, that person would say "A ****ing console game."
Yah but then Disney/Square Enix screwed us over. Giving us Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days YouTube - Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days - Official E3 Trailer And Kingdom hearts: Birth By Sleep (As seen above) Kingdom Hearts 358/2 has been released in Japan and the scores have come back positive as a 36. (9/9/9/9) 4 Scores/Japanese FTW
I'm trying to be optimistic about it Birth by sleep might be good 358/2 looks decent ot really but it could be worse and with the cell phone game thats just a waste that will suck.
Not really. The boys at Enix wanted to base their game on a Final Fantasy character. While Disney wanted a game based on Micky Mouse. The result was being able to play as multiple people which has brought in the fact that theres more then 1 sequeal to KH2. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ But more on Subject.... I can't stay away from the classic Kingdom Key =) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I shortened it a little, your missing some keyblades. These were keyblades of the Orginization, You didn't meet soem of them in the game, they all had keyblades at one point. Way To Dawn Kingdom Key (Realm of Darkness-Micky Mouses) Soras keyblade is the Realm of Light Mushroom XIII Oathkeeper (Roxas version) Oblivion (Roxas Version) One Winged Angel Diamond Dust Fatal Crest Fateful Encounter Thats all i'm going to post. =)
Lol it did look pretty cool, funny thing is, in KH1, when you looked at your journel his keyblade was called his sword and sword a keyblade. Also in the startegy guide did this mishap occur. =D
really i never noticed that. Thats kind of strange. I also think Kairi for a short period of time had a keyblade I remember Ansem Riku handing her one in a cutscene when you first learn that he was Riku.