Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Miraj, Jul 16, 2009.
i'd buy it. that is all.
Lmao very nice, rated E for everyone though?
lawl yeah.. pedobear likes kids. Come play with pedobear!!!! Pedobear > Chuckee!
I lol'd. Then I jizz'd. Then I bought it. Then I jizz'd. Then I got arrested.
Left part of Pedobear looks a little blurry, but other than that you did really good.
This is probably the only funny pedobear thing you guys have made to date, lmao.
Neh? ontopic: I'd buy that game
LMAO. I'd buy that game as well. How old is the girl there?
lmfao... That's not a creepy question at all Rabbit, I bet Miraj googled 12 year old girls LOL.
The original picture already had pedo bear in it. He just added all the xbox stuff.
Oh... I thought it was an original idea...
I'd buy 2 copies =D. And a strategy guide.... And a T-Shirt. =)
Rabbit sees, rabbit wants. Ontopic, this is hilarious, sells more than halo 3 ever did!