Now this is graphic arts I can respect. And no, I could tell that it was an r, I like how the two connect.
Uhm, how is it boring? It's a logo, it's simplistic, and it works. Last thing you want is to throw C4D and **** on that thing. Though maybe fix the edges some? They are a tad bit rough. Also, there is a bit of a dimple at the bottom between the i and k, you should smooth that out into a smooth curve.
hmm i was thinking "n" when i saw the letter too... maybe you could try a tail on the r or maybe have it do that curve that the bottom of an "i" has before it reaches the dot of the i.. these are just suggestions.. they probably won't work out as well as im thinking
I'd say smoothen out the edges a bit... I thought it was "Nik" as well but that's not too big of a deal. Looks a bit LQ, but probably will be better after you smoothen those edges.
Oh yea. Logos should ALWAYS be boring. Much like the one in here. ecarus - fake logo by `jmonzani on deviantART
For the most part, that is an entirely different logo. That example leads me to believe things should be more complicated, etc. whatever. When I was in Las Vegas, one of my favorite things to do with my friend is look at the Graphic arts it has to offer. Among our favorite was the logo for a restaraunt/grill called Mesa. It is incredibly simplistic but it fits the place perfectly. Sometimes text is all that is needed, and anything more will ruin the feel it has. So instead of flat out saying "it's boring" try and be a tad more constructive, unless you don't know what the hell you are talking about.
His name is Robert I. Kumar just so you guys know... And as mentioned above the "Dimple" on the bottom of the r/i is bad. Also I think the dot on the "i" should be orange... Or something other than white. It looks rough and just there. Great job though. It looks good.
I will go through this again and fix up some things, I don't see how the edges are rough at all though.
Ya, pixels is what I was talking about, most noticeable between the gradient and white outlining. Also, did you make the original at that size? I find it more convenient to make them at a larger size and then scale down, as to avoid those rough pixels.