You're never safe Description: Choose a side, then take the battle outside. There are two sniper towers which can dominate the game (if protected and if the snipers are good). The weapons are very balanced, giving each team a fair chance at them. Made for Team Slayer, Slayer, Assault, and CTF. I'm not a fan of giving away where all the weapons/equipment are so go find it on your own and dominate the competition! Try 1-Bomb. It is my personal favorite. Let me know of any bugs, glitches, or just good ideas, etc. Fixes since Human vs Covenant v2.0: NO MORE ARMORIES!! Fixed lift to Sniper Tower. Made area under Overshield more isolated. There's a ledge from the Dividing Bridge (the one in the middle) that leads to the Overshield. Extended area by Overshield to make tele-camping more difficult. 1-Bomb is fully functional! Side ramps added. Vehicle ramp/block added (prevent vehicles from camping spawn. And adds a fun little jump) Made Snipers vulnerable to attacks from the side. They were too well-protected. Download Map Just an overview from behind the bomb-arm tower a closer view of the tower the Dividing Bridge and the Sniper/Overshield tower A view from one of the Sniper towers A view of the side Below the Overshield tower, there are tele's that send you to the Overshield Just another overview A side from behind the bomb-arm/Sniper tower The Dividing Bridge and the side ramps for the bomb-arm tower One spawn zone. The shield prevents vehicles from coming in, but not going out. Side of the Overshield tower Another spawn zone Download Map
Sorry man, I don't see interlocking which usually results in bumpy maps. In your next version I would try to interlock some of the bridges to get them smooth and neat-looking in appearance.
There is some interlocking but only where needed. I have made sure everything is smooth. Trust me- me and my friend spent hours testing every bit of the game to try and finally perfect it. Added some captions to pictures to let you better understand everything.
neal; this is much better than your other maps, no offense. I'm not sure I have seen anyone use shield doors as ghost ramps before; original. The quotes are cheesy as ballz though. Just put the map out there and let people comment on it. It still seems like you are having trouble getting some walls and boxes straight though. But what do I know, I have beautifully aligned maps and people seem to like the opposite. Sad.
Haha thanks. I think the walls, overall, are pretty straight this time. At one point, I just got lazy and fit things in cause my friend kept accidentally deleting things. oh- and the quotes were just things that my friends said
I don't get how the gameplay is supposed to work out really, I don't care about interlocking, but what is the point of the map?
It works for almost every gametype. But for asymmetrical games, the large sniper tower with many bases is supposed to be defended. But the layout keeps every weapon balanced and no vehicle is overpowered. Vehicles can be easily taken out from above, but dominate the ground floor.
Looks good, I like the ghost ramp, the shield door kinda matches the ghost in technology so now it matches yay
Thanks. I have to change some things when I get my xbox back. I'm going to change some weapon and vehicle placements.
Thanks. I think that this is my best map. Few people actually fill the canvas Foundry, but I feel like I did without overcrowding it.
You should make a version two with more interlocking and some edits here and there. The map looks like it might play well but you should try to make it nice and neat and pleasing to the eyes.
I liked this map more than your others. You did a good job making use of geometry merging and interlocking, but the map still could have used more, such as the area with the bridge and fence wall.
Looks like a nice map, but you did double post 2 times. Ehhhh. I like the merging and the part around the walls.