H3's BIGGEST Jump :: W/ Slow Motion Device

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Qoitus, Apr 4, 2008.

  1. Qoitus

    Qoitus Ancient
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    H3's BIGGEST Jump

    H3's BIGGEST Jump
    Best. Jumps. Ever.

    Pictures: [ Photo Slideshow ] (Look for the Flaming Warthog)
    Youtube Video: [ H3's BIGGEST Jump ]
    Download Video to Halo 3: [ CCBB Intro Video ]
    Gametypes: [ Road Hog ] & [ Undefeated ]

    Ad Astra!

    Barrel Roll Jump at Silo 1

    Backflip at Silo 2

    Grav-Lift to Platform (for Infantry)

    The Stairway to Heaven (for Vehicles)

    The Floating Platform

    The Point of No Return

    Epic Jumps!

    This Map Features:
    · · ◦ · · 3 Epic Jumps Like Never Seen Before (Barrel Rolls, Backflips and Epic Airtime!)
    · · ◦ · · Strategically Placed VIP Objective Points for Stunt Style Racing
    · · ◦ · · Tools of Destruction to Ensure an Action Packed Flight
    · · ◦ · · Flawlessly Fused Objects and an Original Design
    · · ◦ · · A Sky Platform with Multiple Points of Entry for Man and Vehicle
    · · ◦ · · A Few Other Surprises
    · · ◦ · · and of course the SLOW MOTION DEVICE! * * New Glitch * *

    - (1) - The Warthog speeds down the ramp which causes this chain of events. [ S.M.D. Phase 1 ]
    - (2) - The Warthog nudges the crane arm releasing the wire spool. [ S.M.D. Phase 2 ]
    - (3) - The wire spool impacts the fusion coils below, which destroy nearby pallets. [ S.M.D. Phase 3 ]
    - (!!) - Once the interlocked pallets are destroyed, it creates an awesome Slow Motion effect that occurs precisely when you launch from the jump!

    I Want to Shout out to the VJJ Clan and Say Thank You To Everyone Who Helped Test This Map: AussieTom, DuckHunter245, H3 117, ScalpelTechnique, ql A1DS lp, Warthogus, xThePillsbarYx, xdaSPOILEDdadx, xTPA STONER420x

    I have dedicated well over 70 hours researching forging techniques, designing, planning, building, testing and tuning this map to perfection. So have fun and just remember:

    ♪♫ Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Chitty Bang Bang, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, We Love You! ♫♪

    Download Map
    #1 Qoitus, Apr 4, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2008
  2. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Haha! i tried it out dude. I went so Fricking high! OMG people download this map! Honestly its nothing special just super duper awesome to fly like that!
  3. Qoitus

    Qoitus Ancient
    Senior Member

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    * TIP *

    To make sure that you nail the BIG jump every time:

    . . . (1) Nudge the front end of the Warthog over the edge of the ramp.
    . . . (2) Put the Warthog's blue steering arrow in the middle of the ramp and leave it there.
    . . . (3) FLOOR IT!

    Getting Back to the Top:

    . . . First, and most importantly, to get back to the top with the warthog be sure to hit the shield doors at the base of the sky platform head-on with at least 60% maximum speed. This ensures that you will bounce directly over the man-cannon and have enough momentum to fly to the platform.

    . . . To get back to the top on foot, there are gravlifts near the low swoop in the ramp that you can use to jump onto the ramp and walk up or you can take the portal. The portal is the hole in the center of the sky platform that has a man cannon directly below it. Getting to the top using the portal works every time if you do these three things. First, line up the two yellow arrows found on the teleporter lying below the portal. Walk up the ramp towards the man-cannon in a straight line. Continue to walk forwards while flying up to the portal. Once you are through the portal hole and above the platform it helps to strafe left or right to land up top.
    #3 Qoitus, Apr 4, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2008
  4. the other dark

    the other dark Ancient
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    That actually looks really good. The floating platform is cool.

    I'm not sure if this would be the biggest jump though, because I know someone here made a big ramp too. His was longer, maybe not as high though.

    Still, this looks like a great map. I'll have to try it some time.
  5. Dizfunky

    Dizfunky Ancient
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    I thought this was the chitty chitty bang bang map. Did you copy this?
  6. Qoitus

    Qoitus Ancient
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    Haha, yeah! If copying myself counts. I changed the map title because most people don't know what to expect from a map titled "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" (The Flying Car) so I made it more obvious.

    BTW what did you think about the map?
    #6 Qoitus, Apr 4, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2008
  7. American10

    American10 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Very nice i like the round part of the ramp and it is the biggest jump ive seen ill dl.
    very nice map 5/5.
  8. David 118

    David 118 Ancient
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    Slow motion ill have to see how that works!
  9. Qoitus

    Qoitus Ancient
    Senior Member

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    For SlowMo on demand just shoot the fusion coils below the BIG ramp. Otherwise the slowmo device as a whole will respawn intermittently and activates when you drive down the ramp.
  10. Dizfunky

    Dizfunky Ancient
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    Yeah this is my favorite hog trick map EVER. I think it is really innovative and everything works perfect. Sorry for the mistake...
  11. paul117

    paul117 Ancient
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    dude this was sweet. this was like the map that everyone dreamed of making but no one could actually make. congrats cuz this map is all that dude. keep forging and you could do something as awesome grifball. good luck
  12. David 118

    David 118 Ancient
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    im just letting you know i tried the map and knocking the wire spool off doesnt cause the explosives to go off so the slow mo wouldnt happen unless i shot it! Great starting platform though and all the fusion coils at the end of the jump really surprised me because you cant see them at first! lol
  13. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    my buddy twinkie has found some sick jumps on standoff(normal, like in team slayer, dlc, etc.) and now i have to dl this just to show him, this looks like it is going to make us geek out after our sick jumps
  14. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
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    The map looks alright but what got my DL wa that slow mo device that sounds cool!
  15. Shirriff Moro

    Shirriff Moro Ancient
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    This is a cool map. Its amazing to see what people come up with. This, for example. A huge ramp that takes you flying a warthog. Who needs forge to do that?
  16. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    OH MAH GAWD!!! I have been geeking out for the past 2 hours.....

    I must start off by saying it was bloody brilliant.

    Secondly, to set the scene, 3 good buddies of mine & myself ofcourse played the hell out of it, it took a little bit to get perfect at jumping, but it wasn't too complicated, and when it worked, it worked. The return jumps are sweet too, (also took a bit to get used to) and the jump for people on foot was slightly off, as well as the barrel roll device, smd, and flipping device, BUT all-in-all, they were all pretty sweet. There were also some weapons that fit perfectly in the map (grav hammer, missle pod, flamer) to add some special effects. In the end though, we stopped jumping the super jump to a smiley face (if you play it you know what i mean) and ended up playing fuzion frenzy on top of the platform with the 4 warthogs (for those of you who dont know fuzion frenzy, we just rammed eachother off with the hogs).

    Sorry this is so long, but this was one of the most fun forge maps i have played in a long time 5/5
  17. tooncyclone

    tooncyclone Ancient
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    for how much effort you put to this it was a good map but pretty dumb,the bringe thing that you elevate to is so compact you fall of easy,the other jump are pointless not to mension there is no "slow motion device".and when finally on that bridge thing theres a slight turn where you yet again mess up even if you make it there like a 50% chance you wont fall off to your death because there nothing to stop you.
  18. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    awwww cmon...cmOn...im sure if you were to bring a friend or 2 or 5 you and them would have a hell of a time
  19. SlasheI2

    SlasheI2 Ancient
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    this is a really creative and awesome idea. i'm glad you took advantage of the lag and used it as a slow motion devise. it's nice to have some creative thinkers here

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