Background This is my first map that I finished. The idea behind the map was to build a map with a Sanctuary influence but by no means, a remake. My goal was to design a CTF map ideal for competitive MLG play. Every structure has a specific purpose and nothing is randomly thrown into the map. I knew what works, what doesn't work, and what I wanted to create. The problem is that I am very limited in my forge knowledge. Because of this, I made many things a lot harder and time consuming than they really are because I wanted the map to be perfect. This will probably be my only map contribution because I don't think I could put up with the "annoyingness" of forge again. Depending on how well this map is received, I may do updates and clean up the map a bit. Otherwise, the map plays well for CTF. I haven't tested ball or koth, and slayer is ok. Map The map consists of two bases with a diagonal divider down the center. The bases consist of a flag spawn/platform, tower, courtyard, bridge (base extension), snipe spawn, and snipe courtyard. There are two snipers and a camo on the map. Ball spawns in ring 2. First and third hill is in ring 2. Second hill is on red flag. Fourth hill is on blue flag. The weapons/power-ups are on MLG respawn times. Screenshots Red side overview Blue side overview Carbine ramp Courtyard and ramp The Tube BR spawn and tunnel Snipe courtyard Snipe Spawn Camo spawn and top mid Map link Anubis Play with MLG Ons CTF
seems relativly simple but i really like it. I like the design and the closed in feel with some openess also. The only problem is that it is escapable here and there. You really don't want people to get out of the map and i suggest you fix that. for example, in the first picture if you nade jump on to the t-shaped wall to the right of the base. You can the do another nade jump to get over the map wall. At least, it seemslike it. If so you really should change that and maybe whatever else you were planning to "straighten up" and make a v2. Good map so far though. EDIT: your spawns might need some fixing also. Just let me know if you want any help with anything. gt is iiHeCtic.
Mpa sisn't half bad. I like it. Good forging. Just seems like kinda of waste to build walls around it when your in the crypt. I think there is some interesting ideas in this map. 4/5
this map looks very well planned, ofcourse i wouldn't take pictures in forge, but looks great besides the camo which i thinked should be moved. Overall the map is impressive, but again could use some geomerging for better looks P.S. this map looks breakable that would be vry dissappointing
I Downloaded this map and played it with some friends, and overall the gameplay was very smooth. It flowed nicely and the interlocking was incredible. I'm glad I downloaded, this is an awesome map! 4/5 :-D
For a first map this is great. It looks like you did a decent job at making the sides symmetrical, and I can tell hat the map would generate smooth gameplay. My only criticism is that it lacks a bit on the astheitics and is likely to be escapable. I don't see why you enclosed the map as the crypt isn't much bigger. and if you took away the walls then you'd not only have more objects for asthetics, but you'd also have an unescapeable map. That's just my advice though, you don't have to take it. Still, good job!
I enclosed the map because I didn't want to amend the map in order to fit the crypt. However, for v2 I am getting rid of the back walls and just extending everything into the geometry. I'm keeping the side walls because the map is designed to be more rectangularish. It will be completely inescapable in v2 as well.
this map looks very good and has nice symetry and merging. nice original layout and aesthetics as well. for the post: you may wanna be showing people how you lined things up perfectly but try using only a couple pics from forge i and lots of other people dont like seeing the blue lines in a post
I really agree. I think you should have just added on to your map and forget about the boundaries. Plus, it's escapeable. On the plus side, my favorite part of the map is the diagonal tube pieces, nice work! Overall, I'd have to give it a 4/5