After finding good ways to forge banked turns. I finally found a way. Here's how you do it. SAVE AND QUIT! SAVE AND QUIT! Tutorial Pt 1: put a wedge under a object u want to interlock. SAVE AND QUIT. Pt 2: put a wall double under a wedge where it angles up. SAVE AND QUIT. Pt: 3 put 2 respawn points on the edges of the object Pt 4: make an object you want to interlock on no spawn Pt 5: start a new round put the objeck where u want it and force spawn it Pt 6: take of force spawn, and rinse and repeat IT WILL MAKE UR TRACK SMOOTH TOO!
Um, You don't even really tell us how to do it, you just barely show us how to do it. Do you mind explaining it a little further? It would help a lot. Thanks
Wow, nice tut. Its very very simple but it works. I've never known how to make a banked turn, but now it will be so easy. Thanks.
Dosen't really help as the pictures don't really show us anything except how to save things in mid-air. Make/Find a video would be alot more helpful.