Everyone knows about luke oweing us all Steak Dinners, but how many does Luke actually owe to you? Just go to your B.Net profile and click Career Stats, scroll to bottom to see a medal of a cow. Then tell us how much you have in ranked, social, then all together. Ranked: 41 Social: 31 All: 72 Just something.
He's gonna have to call in all the worlds aircraft carriers and portable freezers to move that much meat at a time
OP- you should keep a running tally updated in on the front page so we can see how many steaks Luke owes us.
Ranked: 71 Social: 120 Total: 191 I think I should have a few more with how many games I've played...
Ranked: 30 Social: 39 Total: 69 Pretty average, it seems. Especially for someone who doesn't play much slayer