CHECK OUT MY NEW RACETRACK ---CASCADE--- here are some images -------------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------------- check it out CASCADE VARIANT -------------------------------- : Halo 3 File Details -------------------------------- SNIPE RACE GAMETYPE -------------------------------- --------------------------------
great racetrack, its simplistic but it looks fun. your forging looks sound, one question is ther a custom gametype for it or is this just the map?
umm you can use the VIP racetracks gametype on it, i dont have it on my account but i could find it, me and my friends usually use a gametype Snipe Race, when you cant take damage but instead snipe eachother's mongooses off the track. i can put the link on there real quick and its really easy to find the racetracks gametype, im sure its somewhere.
as a race track it looks pretty good but not that original. although i like the collum ditchy part or whatever and how theres a ramp over the road in the center. it could be a lot smoother though