Exactly what the thread name would suggest. And it looks better if you step back a bit. And yes, Tigerlady was born with a backwards left hand. Don't criticize her. She's very emotional and has large teeth. Original Main Stock: Spoiler V1. V2.
Haha... This isn't bad actually. I like V2 more but also... Is that the Diabeetus tiger? And yes... her left hand is backwards (Thumb is on the wrong side)
haha umm... wow. if anything, the left hand looks just a little out of place. im not talking about it being backwards.. it just looks like it has a lower quality than the rest of the sig.. of course you may have done that to give it depth but just throwing that out there
Yeah, the hand with the gun looks like that sort of newspaper clipping art style... which is fine, except that that's not what the rest of the image looks like. I think it's the outline, but I dunno. And then the painting is clearly floating on water, but it's still underwater... and the water reflections are un-physical. It's driving my eyes a little nuts. (Nevermind, checked out the original stock. Not your fault at all.) Overall, though, it's pretty damn cool.