
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by The king psycho, Apr 5, 2008.

  1. The king psycho

    The king psycho Ancient
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    My own little mix of 'The Pit' and "Rat's Nest' (honestly it's like 75% - 25%...lol...) the level has vehicles, rockets, snipers, and many tweeks that makes the map more and more interesting as you play. The map requires 8-12 players.

    Below: base 1

    (and yes im sorry, to get a closer view of the picture you must clock on it, i dont know what i did wrong)


    if you look in the back, you can see that the back exit is under 'lockdown'

    Next relates to the snipers i mentioned before, as you see in 'The Pit' there are two sniper towers

    shown below:


    See the big ramp in the front? walk into it and see what it does :)

    Next feature presented on the map is called 'Da Big Wall' i put this here just so there arnt any 'sniper wars' going on the towers as seen on 'The Pit' several houndred times and gives the map more of a 'Rat's Nest' feeling

    Shown below:


    in the big boxes are como and overhead shields, and in the back you see, there is a little place where both teams can have a big battle in the beginning on the game.

    next picture is just an examples on scenery i have chosen for this particular map (and the location of the rockets XD )



    you can download the map here:http://http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=28183166
  2. OnlyMaximumv

    OnlyMaximumv Ancient
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    hey use photo bucket for your pics
  3. The king psycho

    The king psycho Ancient
    Senior Member

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    im sorry, but HELL NO

    last times i used photo bucket nothing would show up

    Senior Member

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    King, try out imageshack. Its free, and you don't even have to register. Takes like 2 mouse clicks.
  5. super trooper88

    super trooper88 Ancient
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    The map looks a bit too open and a bit too messy. Maybe include a few more pictures to your thread or maybe a video so that we can see more of the map.
  6. TrueBlue Wolf

    TrueBlue Wolf Ancient
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    Hey it's really hard to see what's in the tiny pics... oh well that's ok. Next time you post see if you can make them bigger. Nice map, it's well designed, but it just seems like somethings missing you need to add something more to it. Put some spice in the keddle if I may say. Also the map is a little rough around the edges. Take a lil' bit of time just making the map look neater and I'm sure it'll boost your downloads some. Good luck in all your future endeavors.
  7. The king psycho

    The king psycho Ancient
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    ok not to sound like a prude or anything but seriously guys, read the text above it, you have to click on the pics to see the whole thing,

    and if you going to suggest something.. tell me how to do it

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