Map Download : Halo 3 File Details Gametype Downloads : Halo 3 File Details: CTF : Halo 3 File Details: Slayer Details This a small map but from what my friends told me after playing it, its was really fun for them. This is probably one of my best so far on sandbox and wont be my last. Its made for CTF and Slayer with a variety of different weapons. Made for 4v4 and 2v2, and spawns work correctly. map shot Sorry the picture doesnt show if anyone can give me a tip on how to fix that it would be great.
go to ImageShack® - Image Hosting and upload your picture then it will give you a link copy the link and than after clicking the "insert image" button paste the link and there you go pictures on forgehub.
or you can go to and typ in your gt in the upper right hand corner and find the screenshots click on them then scroll down and copy the img code at the bottom under the pic and post it onto your post
This is an ok map. The forging is neat and tidy. A little bit small for a CTF game because one the other team gets the flag and gets away, they usually can get it back and score because of the small area. Slayer is a more pratical game for this map. Team is ok but if the spawns were set up correctly, FFA or 4 team would work well. If you like king of the hill, it would be a good team game as well if there was one non moving hill in the middle. Just some ideas for gameplay. Its and ok map, except you can jump the walls, but thats an easy fix if you wanted to fix it.
A bit small, I don't have a problem with that. But no roof? I have a problem with that. Add a little more action pics and at least a roof and you'll get some downloads.
Ill take all of your ideas into concideration and make a new link for it soon thanks for the ideas guys, and the gametypes are supposed to fix the wall jumping situations but ill have a roof over it soon.
looks like itd be nice for team slayer or regular slayer but it is a little small. lastly fix ur post
I reckon this would be a really intense KOTH map. especially if you had 3 sec or instant resapwn lol that would be chaotic! anyway like the others said you need more pics and a roof but apart from that it seems fine