Favorite rank out of the following? These aren't real, but they sure do look cool. Chief Commandent: EXP: 13000 Min.Games: 6500 Rear Admiral: EXP: 10000 Min.Games: 5000 Vice Admiral: EXP: 12500 Min.Games: 6250 Fleet Admiral: EXP: 17500 Min.Games: 8750 UNSC Overlord: EXP: Classified Min.Games: Classified Master Chief Petty Officer: EXP: Classified Min.Games: Classified My personal Fav. "MCPO" ______VVVVVV__________CUSTOM MADE ____________VVVVV________________ Ok ima make a list of the ones Iv'e custom made now. And a seperate for other people. ==THE=BEST======> And list for others. Donii- Please excuse any stray marks, it's hard to see and delete them without accidently deleting the real picture.
Fleet Admiral looks the best in my opinion. Petty Officer has much too many symbols on it and it looks like it wouldnt even fit next to someone's gamertag...
Put the bird with the stars in a general wreath, That would look Badass.. Out of these, Chief Commendment or Fleet Admiral
Master chief petty officer. Because that's master chief's rank :3 But I think that Fleet admiral is my fav, I really like the symbol on it.
... i don't think I could fit it in unless I distorted the rest of the pic. Then it would be a fat emblem. EDIT: Okies, a new one, and i'm going to make a new color rank! Mwhahah
CLEAN VERSION Making more now, We Could make a service.. Know what i mean, People request we make them?
Lol... New one... Ima add yours to the list anyway. I doubt theres anything to be earned doing what other people could do (Possible Better) anyways. But fun thought. EDIT: Ima clean that up..
When Emblems attack! you should have been here when I got that idea. =) They aren't reall for anything per say. I mean if a Admin wanted to change the ranking system, I'd make some more that would fit in with the "Rank". But other than that, I mean.. nothing seriously.... But if you wanted me to make one just for you. Just PM any specifics or just post them. And i'll try my best. They all have the same height. Though it may look different from what you see on the screen. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________