Some new shots from Orbital's "Screenshot Room" Enjoy! Gotta little Captain in me! [/URL] We have this, I guess. [/URL] Silver and Gold [/URL] (And my personal fav) Feel the burn [/URL] DO NOT REPLY TO THIS THREAD!
i like feel the burn the best, the others, the glow around the spartan is to mujch, and you cant see the fine details of the spartan. first three to bright and the last one is good.
I'll fix tommorow night. Check this thread again to see the new pics. And to DC, I'm a fan of simplicity. Just a personal preference. TY for the comments though!
the only one i liked was the last one the others kinda look like you just took a few screenshots with the nova effect on but the last ones cool.
Crap, can't fix till tomorrow. I have too much band stuff. Whatever. It will be done by saturday. SRRY
I guess your last would have to be your best. Doesn't really make it "that" good but it's best from your pack. I dunno it just seems overused. I know I've been using that word alot but most Screenshotsdown here all look the same. I like your lighting and I think you should do the same thing but without that explosion in the BG.
Ok, the freakin glow won't come off. So, screw that. I'm leavin them like they are. Also, NO MORE POSTS ON THIS THREAD PLEASE!