Ok that'd be cool, but I have a question for everone here that I should've asked at the begining of this. Are you all patient? Because this will take alot of time and patients from everyone, but if it works out like last week, me and 4 other pyro production members had so much fun with one little section of a minisode. We were supposed to have an elite noob fall to through the hole on contruct(where flamethrower spawns), and he was supposed to enterupt a fight between 3 spartans. They were supposed to be telling him he could'nt come around there side of the hood with his gay light blue armour and such and such, but anyways we somehow got to talking bout how sexy one of the three spartans armour was and well he killed him and tee-bagged him alot. We had several outtakes such as this, but saddly I wasn't recording the audio. Anyhow, my main point is, we will mess up alot. A way to stop this from happening is to get as serious as possible when we do every scene. No, that dosn't mean from time to time we can't just take a break if were in the middle of a scene and basicly do outtakes, just not every single time we do a scene. One last thing that will make this a little more difficult is that it will have to be in normal slayer, in order for us to have our own colors rather than team colors. We will probably start filming around the time that the map packs come out, that way we can have more choice of maps. Can't wait! ^_^
Yea, that's why I made this thread, in order to get people. As long as your serious about it then yea you can be in it.
Hey hey hey, I just gave you guys a plot to go off of. Do what you can do, I'll cast if you want, but I'm not writing the rest of the story. I basically started it out for you. Another option instead of Spartan v Elite it could be Spartan vs Spartans. (Good side and bad side)
What WhiteLime thinks I am wondering do you have a site? or something like that or are you a group which adds each other and just decide to create a mach. when you wish. I was also wondering would you have to take part in voice acting and acting or just one. Also i have a few ideas of my own are we aloud to contribute our own ideas into the Mach
Meh, if you're serious about it, I can basically give you an outline of Episode 2,3, and 4. Well, general idea of what could be in each.
I'm working on a website now to help people better understand what kind of machinima were gonna be doing. If your good at acting and voice acting then you can do both, but personally I would like to have people with a deeper voice rather than high pitch ones that sound like kids. And to answer your last question, yes you can contribute with any ideas you may have with anything to do with Pyro Production, that includes any ideas for the website, that is when I put it on the web. We work as a team, not as idividuals. Also anyone that is commited to joining Pyro Productions send me a friend request on x-box live @ "NSPS Holy Liar". If you have any questions just send me a message on here or on x-box live because I never check my email.
My voice is rather deep so i think i'd be willing to help you out. Just post a link to the website when you're finished and i'll check it out. I'll also send you a friend's request next time i'm on
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Ok here's what our first Machinima will be like. It will be short, but I think we can make this work out pretty good if we put a little effort into it. I don't want to ruin the ending so I didn't put it on here if you're going to be in the machinima and would like to know what the ending is then send me a message on x-box live @ "NSPS Holy Liar. [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]The main Machinima that we will be working on is "The End of the Spartan Race". The main story outline credit goes to Insanedrone822. He sent me loads of ideas to run off of. The story is based off of the area where the first elites were recorded, which is before all the spartans were wiped out. Sergeant Jackson the leader of squad Delta, is ordered to plant a bomb in Elite territories in order to stop thier central forces from continueing on with the massacre against the spartan race. He runs into problems when his eight man crew slowly begins to shrink to only him and 2 others that continue on to complete their mission. The Elites think that the Spartans are demons. They believe in killing the "demons" will make the great journey all the sweeter. They have to be as stealthy as possible in order to kill the Spartans because they are quicker and more agile when it comes combat. They have become assassins in the wind. You never hear them, and never will. If you would like to be casted in this short movie then send me a message. Let me know if you have any ideas.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Here's the link and a little info on what our first machinima will be like.[/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]http://pyro-productions.tripod.com/[/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]The main Machinima that we will be working on is "From Begining to End". The main story outline credit goes to Insanedrone822. He sent me loads of ideas to run off of. The story is based off of the area where the first elites were recorded, which is before all the spartans were wiped out. Sergeant Jackson the leader of squad Delta, is ordered to plant a bomb in Elite territories in order to stop thier central forces from continueing on with the massacre against the spartan race. He runs into problems when his eight man crew slowly begins to shrink to only him and 2 others that continue on to complete their mission. The Elites think that the Spartans are demons. They believe in killing the "demons" will make the great journey all the sweeter. They have to be as stealthy as possible in order to kill the Spartans because they are quicker and more agile when it comes combat. They have become assassins in the wind. You never hear them, and never will. If you would like to be casted in this short movie then send me a message on x-box live @ "NSPS Holy Liar". Let me know if you have any ideas. [/FONT]
Ooh so you're basically taking the names, not going with the little plot I thought up? Okays. Nevermind about the outline of episodes 2-4.
What? You said you didn't want to be the story writer. Which is it? Make up your mind. If you still want to be the story writer then we'll go with your story, but if not then I was gonna start straight from scratch except for that one name, because I can't think of names for the characters that well, and that sounded pretty nice.
Mmkay, that's all I wanted to know. You said the main story outline credit goes to me, I thought you were using my begining plot to go off of.
I don't know what I'm going with yet. I need alot of help. I was thinking about starting it off somewhere between the discovery of the Elites and The exctinction of the Spartans. That way somewhere near the end, I can show our version of the exctiction of the Spartans. I think that would be unique in the fact that I've never seen a machinima that has done something like that. And the reason theirs eight Spartans in the main plot at the begining is because, they're going to slowly be killed one by one. Which could really show off the stealthyness of Elites. At some point the Elites will snipe one of the Spartans and someone will yell out "Snipers" then everyone will take cover wherever it may be. What do you think
Umm I don't know, you kind of confused me. If you want to continue my idea, I won't write like lyrics and detailed story and such but like I said a few posts ago, I can give you an outline of how it could go down. (I hope you know what I mean by an outline)
I know what you meant by an outline, but I need a writer, not an outliner. I'm not sure what to do anymore. I'm sort of lost and I'm not at the same time. Are you writing the other episodes or no.
I'm Probably gonna be in it somewhere to help direct and plus I have to be in it to film it. I think I'm gonna do the voices of the Elites. Are you gonna be in it?