Author: xFear The Herox Map Name: Pocket Rocket Map Canvas: Sandbox Map Size: Large Player Count: 4-16 Best suited for larger parties Supported Gametypes: Rocket Race, Over Race __________________________________________________ Description: Pocket Rocket is a map that i made just for kicks. its a fun huge rocket race map that uses the whole middle layer of sandbox. i use the maps natural jumps to its advantage. Well i can't really explain it better than these screen shots so here they are Hope you all enjoy this MAP, i know i will Download Link
I love rocket racing! Although i feel that your map is a little empty. Also try adding aesthetics to attract the players eye... I would also take off the FX effect, because i feel the game is more fun when playing with color.
this is where you are wrong, not to be mean, but this map i use the map natural jumps to enable a different kind of gameplay. also the FX provides something unique, and that is being colorblind. on most maps there is color but i feel that this is unique so i wanted to use it.
have you played it? this map if you play offers unique yet fun game play. just because i choose to do something people have forgotten about doesn't mean that it is stupid. Yes thats right i am talking about using the map to it fullest advantage with the natural terrain. Is it stupid b.c i don't have elaborate designs of structures in the map? i could easily do that but then the map would play worse then i wanted it. don't go judging maps b.c they look stupid why don't you go out and play it and then right an review on how the map plays, give a detailed reason on what you like and what you dislike. If you do this you will see what people were thinking when they posted there map. thats why i always play the map before i post something. does my opinion matter? No, but it could help the map maker make the map better. I hope you see where this all comes into effect on making maps better.
Wow. If you're going to be lazy when you review one's map, & be this rude to boot, then don't even write a post. Anyway, this map has potential of being a good Sandbox Rocket Race map. It's the first one I've seen so far. But, it's a little quiet in the middle, other than the cool-looking ramp box. Only, the ramps have some gaps in it, & it looks like your Mongoose could get stuck in them. I know you're probably going to hate hearing this, but you should probably nudge them over, or but a block or something in the gaps, to add asthetic feeling to the map & block the gaps. To get unique gameplay for Rocket Race on a flat map such as Sandbox, add some Wedges and Ramps to create hills (Valhalla Rocket Race = My Favorite!). For now, a 8/10. Work on it a little bit, & you could have an excellent Sandbox Rocket Race map! By the way, nice name! Rhyming is a good way to attract attention to a map (it drew ME in.).
lol thanks, the original plan was to have those gaps gone but i don't have enough ramps to make them all disappear so what i did instead was make it as like a trap, if you get stuck in it then you are out of luck, i know i could put more stuff in the map. and i know i am getting redundant but i have the lasers blocked so this allows me to use every inch of the main layer of the map, this provides some halo 2 style racing like on Headlong or Relic in halo 2. idk why i just liked the feeling of those maps and i wanted to make them as close to them as i could and i did this my using the sand dunes that are hilly. and yea i'm not good at doing aesthetic, if you looks at my other map (Artifacts) you will see how bad i am at doing them. but thank you for your rating on this map.
lol. thats from his introduction On topic it seems like there isn't enough structures to put destinations on so you just stuck some out in the dunes. Also, i'd take the FX out. I realize its your personal preference to have it in, most most people don't like them
ok i will think of that for if i make another rr map, i mainly do competitive maps or once a conquest map.
Since the map is already necrobumped (Damn you MLRR, this topic was dead and it deserved to be), the first thing I have to say is TAKE OUT TEH FX NAO PLOX. I hate the colorblind filter by itself and I'm sure 99% of the community stands behind me on that. Second, you need to learn to take some critisism. None of these people's statements are wrong. Nor are they right. Same as you. They're opinions, and it's not your right to criticize them and tell them they are wrong. You should stop arguing about almost every point made about the map because you like it that way. The community's opinion matters if you want people to play your map. As I read your rude retorts, I noticed some things that don't make sense at all. "Don't judge a map b.c it looks stupid" For your information, aesthetics are part of a map's rating, especially a Rocket Race map at that. The map doesn't necessarily look "stupid," but it does look extremely empty. As for the map, the FX makes it look terribly depressing. Furthermore, there is nothing original about the structures. I know you wanted to include "natural jumps," but that doesn't make it so you can just slack off and be lazy about the map. Plus, the majority of Sandbox' natural jumps have influent banking, air-time, landing, or all three. What I'm trying to say is that a Rocket Race map is mainly about gameplay. Flow, under these circumstances. A Rocket Race map that is not fluent and does not flow well during the game is not a good Rocket Race map. Another big thing is aesthetics, and while you may have some, they are completely and utterly destroyed by the colorblind effect. You need more structures that are original, neat looking, and catch a viewer's eye. You could get the same effect from this map by throwing down a bunch of destinations on blank Sandbox and driving around. Aesthetics: 0/5 Gameplay: 2.5/5 Interlocking: 3/5 Overall: 2/5 - Needs to be improved.