Sandbox MLG Brick Top

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by A Punker, Jul 16, 2009.

  1. A Punker

    A Punker Ancient
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    MLG Brick Top

    By: A Punker(WCFA Kelevra)

    [td]Player Size[/td]
    [td]4-8 Players[/td]
    [td]Suggested Gametypes[/td]
    [td]MLG Slayer, MLG Multi Flag, MLG One Flag[/td]
    [td]Weapons List[/td]
    [td]6 BR's, 6 Carbines, 2 Maulers, 2 Snipers, 1 Rocket, 6 Plasma Grenades, 6 Frag Grenades[/td]
    [td]1 Custom Power Up[/td]

    First, let me say I was worried about gameplay before aesthetics cause it's an MLG map not an Aesthetic. This map was made to support the basic MLG gametypes (minus KOTH) set up as well as provide a map geometry style natural cover. I wanted to make a map that provided long range cover capabilities as well as mid-range battles. I also decided to keep fences off for the most part off of the edges to make the sky box have plenty of use by making a player think about their next step.

    Everything is merged and tested for smooth slow when it comes to walking your character through the map. Even the wood bridges through out the map are merged at perfect height with the double blocks. All ground objects are merged just enough to see that grenades do not fall through the cracks of the objects. The ramps made from the wood bridges even provide smooth flow and elevated ceilings compared to using basic ramps.

    Weapons were placed so players could actually have the ability to have a constant full ammo set whether it be BR or Carbine. The Sniper was placed so that it can overlook the general area of the map as well as being up on high ground but only have 1 spare clip to work with. Rockets were placed at the upper middle of the map so there is an even chance for either team to get to it and to also stimulate meeting ground for battle. The custom power-up was place in the middle on the bottom for the same reason as the rockets. Maulers are placed on the sides on a sort of shrine so that they stand out to the players. Grenades are all place evenly through the map so they are available to be used in all areas instead of constantly fleeing to grab some.








    Please comment and suggest weapon improvements that I could do so I can post a v2.

    *I will post action shots with a v2.*

    Download MLG Brick Top
  2. KILLn Machine12

    KILLn Machine12 Ancient
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    its for asthetics.

    i like the idea of the map.. but the right side of each base is weak.. try adding something there so its as powerful as the left sides.. if u no wat i mean by powerful.

    i like ur use of the sniper tower. it fits in with the 'rushing for rocket and cp thing' so u can pick them off. it would be nice if both snipe places could see eachother.. if it already does thats fine.
  3. HezbollaHector

    HezbollaHector Ancient
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    Correct me if I'm wrong but grav lifts are 15$ right? If you were to get rid of hem you would get an extra 3 normal objects for each one you delteted therefore making your map better.

    Also that is a fairly large amount of weapons, I recommend decreasing your grenade count to 4 of each and removing at least 1 set of power weapons for the sake of less frenzied map/weapon control.

    And why do you have MLG 1 flag as a gametype? That's never even been tested by MLG.

    Overall the map looks good but I think there are a few things in the way of it getting to be great.
    #3 HezbollaHector, Jul 16, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2009
  4. The Stickmen

    The Stickmen Ancient
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    "I think the map looks great. I'm not a fan of most of the MLG maps I see on here but this one looks nice. The layout is great and I like the fact of having multiple levels at the bases and one solid multilevel center structure.

    I would agree with the guy above me that the grav lifts make it feel 'amateur' and the grenade count is a little high, but overall everything else is great. Very nicely done IMO" says former Green Bay QB Brett Favre
  5. Muiriled

    Muiriled Ancient
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    i agree with the whole grav lift conundrum, i fell they should be deleted in order to improve areas of the map rather than adding somewhat cheap aestetics. also another large problem i see with the map is the CP spawn, its bottom mid with very little cover, the problem is it is most likely going to be burnt everytime. i suggest adding more cover or moving the CP
  6. Meteor

    Meteor Ancient
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    This looks like a great MLG map. Smooth and symmetrical but has enough texture changes to make it look interesting. I agree about the grav lifts however.
  7. jpitty

    jpitty Ancient
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    One thing I can see from the pictures is the there is very few side railings. When you're in a BR fight your not too aware of where the edge ends, so this may be a problem, espeicialy in MLG. Also, the Custom is in a place where it may get burned a lot may want to switch it out for Camo, or create more cover for the position.
    #7 jpitty, Jul 18, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2009
  8. Sand Fisher

    Sand Fisher Ancient
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    The ammount of cover on this map seems a little much in m opinion but the forging and bases look exellent.
  9. drunk

    drunk Ancient
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    need some more pictures, not enough.
    #9 drunk, Jul 26, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2009

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