That's what I was thinking last night. Sounds good. We might just do voices over XBL. Ok. I think I should make a list of background people. I lol'd.
I wouldn't do this, just because it sounds terrible half the time. Lag can be a big issue with the voices, and then transferring in-game voices to a computer via CC can also reduce the quailty. It can basically ruin a decent Machinima. Also try not to do the actual recording over XBL (i.e. what we'll be watching). I know it might be impratical for some to do this but if you can then do it local/system link due to the fact that you can lower the guns in the latter. Again this can affect the end product if you don't. Of course if its far better to do it over XBL (as I know for some it is) the by all means do i'm mearly stating my thoughts. More on topic I suppose I could record voices if I picked up a mic for my computer. I don't think I have a high voice nor a deep one. I have a British accent though so you know :squirrel_giggle:
The whole thing is supposed to be in a matchmaking game.. so like, its okay if the guns arent lowered. And some laggy voices, just makes some sound real
Ah fair enough. I'll shut up :squirrel_blush:. It might make it sound more real matchmaking-wise but it depends on the quality I suppose. You also have to remember that if you want the XBL voices you don't get them (I think) when watching the video so you would have to capture while playing in order to get them. The advantages of this is that you can have the voices but if something goes wrong then it could be a proberly and take a bit more editing then simply adding clips together on the program. I suppose it depends on what the aim is. If you have the people standing there talking then I suppose I would go for doing it straight out of the game as it would be easy and the XBL voices would mean you wouldn't have to worry about everyone recording their own sepreatly. You do have the worry of someone slipping up and having to start from the top. Also you can't really change camera angles as it would have to be from someones prespective and you'll have a gun there. (Unless i'm totally wrong and you can in fact hear MM/CG voices when playing back the film. It just I've never heard that.) Just my thoughts at the end of the day. I'm rather intrested in what your doing actually as it sounds like a fresh idea.
HOW DO YOU KNOW MY IDEA!? Erm...thanks. I was trying to find people with computer microphones that produce clear sound, as I'm not sure yet how sounds over XBL will be.
What audio editor ware are you using? Iv'e got a couple different stuff to make cool background music for NGs Audio Portal. =). I mean, if you take a voice message of someone reading their part, save it, then we act out are parts, you could sync it up for crisper sound. Check out "playinghalotoday" hes got a mini series about random messages that he gets sent. It's very good quality. =D
On the background people note i'll be happy to take one of those spots, if the time frame fits for me. Although my bright coloured armour may be a bit of a distraction :squirrel_giggle:
I can be whatever. Im signed with if that helps in your decision making about choosing me or not.
Hey guys I'll join your idea. I can do a pretty squeaky voice. It's a mix of Idon'tknowwhat that grant me power to talk with a lil' irritating voice. I'll PM you a recording of this voice later, because I'm not at my house. I would be happy to take part of a Machinima. I already did one, but in French, and it was only with friends. I would like that you consider taking me in the list. But if there is already peoples taking the role, I could only do some part of it. And if you don't want me in, I'm just saying Good Luck!
I need an opinion whether people sending me voices they pre-recorded is better than just taking them off the actual Xbox games.
I've stated above that, in my opinion, it's far better to do it via recordings then over Xbox Live. I think it depends on what time frame your looking at. If you looking at trying to do it quickly then XBL voices are proberly the best as it allows you to capture the video and voices together. You also don't have to wait on people to send their voices, create a script for each person and don't really have to worry about someone dropping out. On the other hand it can make the voices sound crap, whether due to lag or down to decreased quality via the transfer. Recordings on the other hand can create far better quailty and really it improves the quailty of the end product. Of course you have to spend more time getting people to send you the sound clips and also hope no voice actor drops out. I would say go for the each person sends in their voice clip option as I think thats the best way for it. But thats just me. I'll try and throw up a link to a video which shows a capture with XBL voices.
Brilliant idea. Lag. Adds humor.. "a- oo - a-lo-as- gse-g-ah", "your laging" "continues to lag and attempt to speak" "stfu !" something like that, idk. People could record voices in audio messages maybe..
YouTube - Halo 3 Forges (Ep. 28) "Clue" (machinima) Here we are. Not a machinima per say but the voices used were done on XBL mics.
See? I was thinking the voices over Xbox sound fine. If I wanted it to be all-star quality, I would go for the whole recording thing, but the mic sound goes with the video, in a way.
But those were high pitched screaming children... And the fact they were all talking at the same time dosen't help either.
I think they were throwing their voices. And Halo 3 forges is never really planned out, Norlinksy is making an actual machinima so everything will be planned. On a side note, clue looks really fun and addicting.... I wun pleh.
I was only stating my opinion on what I prefer. I wasn't saying do it with recorded voices or I'll burn down your house :lol:. To be honest if it is well planned then it proberly won't turn out too bad. And yes. Play clue. NOW! Although there are a few rules that are off in that video.