This map is two bases on the mid floor of sandbox. The two bases are assymetric, although there are symmetrical things to it. This map is made for team slayer, but you can play Capture the flag, assualt, territories, and KOTH on it. 4-10 ppl. There is a small story behind it: There once were two temples not far from each other to worship the norse gods. These temples soon turned to war against each other. But the blood was buried by the sand. Now, 2,000 years later the fight will continue. Weapon List: x4 BRs 45sec x2 Sniper 1 clip 60 sec x1 Rocket Launcher 1 clip 90 sec x2 Shotgun 1 clip 60 sec x2 Brute shot x2 Needler Equipment List: x8 Plasma grenades x4 Brute grenades x2 Bubble shield 120 sec This is the front view of red base: Side View: Back View also shows rest of map: Top View of Blue base: Blue Base from the front: Side Structure: Symmetrical Structure on other side: Tunnel in between bases: There are three ways to get to the top story. on each side of the level there is an elevator that will shoot you up to the top. You could also go through the tunnel and fall down the hole. At the end of the hole is a block and it will teleport you up to the top in between the obelisks. Overview of top: Action Shots: Forging 101: [ YES ] __Floating Objects [ ___ ] __Instant Respawn [ YES ] __Immovable Objects [ ___ ] __Timed Map Events [ YES ] __Effective Spawn Placement [ YES ] __Gravity Lift Techniques [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water [ ___ ] __Used Symmetry Option [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects [ YES ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry [ ___ ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch Download Here
The structures are great and the weapon selection you chose was great. However, the upside down ramps seem a bit over done. Overall 3.5/5 - Well done.
I dont know what is meant by being over done if we were going to say that then i think double blocks have been overdone... anyways your map looks clean and well thought out. There are also some neat aesthetic portions put into this map. More is not always better but try using a little more of your creativity and make use of all the empty space that exists. Lastly, are Slayer and CTF the only gametypes supported?
Ya, I never play assault so i didnt think about making it play assault. And i about the double blocks i couldnt think of a better way to make the backbone of the base
A little bit of slop throughout, but overall nice. And couldn't you make this map for more than 2 gametypes? I think maybe assault would be nice. Anyway 3/5. P.S. Where do priests get Mjolnir armour?
alright i made it playable for assualt, territories and KOTH now also. and where is it sloppy? i tried to make it absolutely perfect. and i have no idea where do they
"Screw the map I love the name! Mechassault was the jam back on the original Xbox. Back to the important stuff. I think the map is pretty nice but way open in some places. Would possibly make a fun heavy sandbox map with a lot of vehicle play. But pretty nice overall. BTW, is your map 'The Malta' named after the country. Are you maltese?" says former Green Bay QB Brett Favre
No, its not named after the country, the malta was a ship in halo 2 that was destroyed during the attack on earth. and i like it a little open, but what ideas do you think i could do to fill it in?
"Looks like your pretty close here to hitting your item limit, but assuming your not even something as simple as a bunker (4 large angled blocks) on each side of the base would at least give some simple ground cover. A couple of oblesks on each side would work....just something to give the ground troops a chance. Otherwise everything else is great. Any thoughts on just adding some heavier vehicles and creating a heavy map? That way, its a little bit more original and the openess of it fits perfectly to a heavy set." says former Green Bay QB Brett Favre