Wow that one star was dirty. I bet it was one of the forgers who did a remake of this one as well and where jealous.
awesome map, I always wondered if someone was going to make a remake of a Golden Eye map. I always thought about remaking the temple, because that seems the most likely for a remake on sandbox. Plus if I remember correctly it was a pretty popular map. I believe you did an excellent job staying true to the original map, because at first I was trying to remember which map was Complex and once i started looking at your screen shots I remembered and it brought back some good memories of the N64 days. I just DLed so I will check it out next time I get online. Think you are going to make any other remakes?
WOAH, as soon as i started to walk around this map it reminded me when i used to invite all my friends round for a 4 player free for all on this map, taking it in turns. its so scary every time i walked to another part of the map i could remember it all, even the air ducts! Anyway enough of the memories im getting all emotional, forge-wise it looks very neat, very accurate to the original, it would look better if sandbox has a foundry like skin but eh sandbox works for it. gameplay obviously will work because everyone already played this map on 007, however im not sure how accurate the weapons are to the origonal but im sure they are as accurate as they can be. i give this map a 10/10 and thanks for making me remember a great childhood
Thanks, but as far as the weapons, I really didn't get to play this map on Golden Eye. I played it on Perfect Dark. In that game, you got to place what ever weapons you wanted (just like in Perfect Dark Zero). There were six slots which was located on one or more parts of the map. 5 & 6 where considered the rare or power weapon slot, so there was only one of each. However 1 & 2 where common weapon slots, so they appeared in a couple of rooms. slot 3 and 4 appeared in 2 rooms each and were in highly contested rooms. Though I didn't used the same weapons for each time I placed one on say slot ones location, I did make sure that it was an appropriate weapon. Like Duels for slots 1 & 2 or BRs or Carbines for slot 3 as well as slot 2. A Brute shot or some sticky nades went in slot 4. And a sniper + a Shotgun for slot 5 & 6
i havent played it in years, id forgotten about the weapon picking menu lol. havent had a game on it yet, trying to arrange one with my mates but no luck yet
Nice, but not special. Is this supposed to be a remake? I think you could've added a little extra something out of the ordinary (like a 7-wood, people love that).
This should answer your question. You can find it by reading the first line in the post. I don't remember a 7-wood in Golden Eye or Perfect Dark.
I'm working on a version of Carpark. If anyone who liked this one wants to help with testing, let me know.