Guitar Hero Slider Bar users out there?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CJizzle01, Jul 15, 2009.

  1. CJizzle01

    CJizzle01 Ancient
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    Ever since GH:WT, mostly everyone would avoid the Slider Bar. People say it is too sensitive and not accurate. Well you are all wrong! The Slider Bar is amazingly good for hard solos and such. I think I have the Highest recorded percentage of Solo F on Satch Boogie yet. Check it out, and be amazed by how i pwn n00bs with the Slider Bar:

    YouTube - 97% Notes Hit Satch Boogie Solo F Slider Bar only
  2. Shedo

    Shedo Ancient
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    My slider bar freaks out when i try to use it. I wish I knew how to properly use it but its whatever. I play the drums anyways.
  3. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Slider Bar is just fine if you want to get used to it. Most people do not want to take the time to get used to it, however.
  4. Fastforward

    Fastforward Ancient
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    First off, that annotate "116+1=117 I CAN HAZ R3C0N!!?" Seriously? Second and on topic...

    I've tried the slide bar but can never the right notes. When I'm sliding back and forth I can't tell when I'm about to switch to a different note. The grooves aren't pronounced enough. It's also awkward moving from the buttons to the slide bar and I can't doo it without missing a beat.
  5. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    I am also a fan of the Slide bar. I'm not the greatest at it but I'm relatively well. Though, I have to use my slide bar for strumming anyway, My strum bar broke about a month ago. ='(

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