I went ahead and bought it. Love it. I just like how I only have to pay 15 bucks for frostbite instead of 60, since thats the only part of bad company thats better than other fps's
Coral Sea seems like it's gonna be released sooner than I suspected, upon release, more then 5 million kills were banked in total, 10% of the 43 million! Now, there are 32,091,940 kills, only 13,000,000-ish to go! I guess it's not surprising since it's fairly popular considering the overflow of players that there weren't enough servers. Apairantly that's all fixed now, so, awesome. I find it lame how they are taking kills from each plateform seperately, PS3 owners might have to wait some time before playing it. Source Kill Counter
Here's a little handy guide to flying planes in 1943 that I found. I altered some of it though: 1. Before you fly in a real match, practice in Tutorial Mode. - I actually helps a lot. Just start up Tutorial Mode, finish the mandatory Tutorial, then head straight to the Airfield. It'll give you basic tips on how to fly, and it will give you the objective of popping huge balloons by shooting them. You have as much time in the Tutorial as you want to improve your flying skills and get used to the seemingly difficult flying controls. 2. Always fly in First Person. - It may seem a lot harder from the viewers perspective, but when you actually are flying it, it is much MUCH easier, plus the enemy planes are circled red for your convenience. 3. Set Flight Controls to Inverted. - As you most likely know, in a real plane, pulling back on the throttle makes you go up, and pushing forward goes down. Now you probably don't know this, but somewhere in the molecules of the serotonin in your brain (science first!), you recognize that very same rule of flight. So inverting the controls will eventually be a lot easier, and more rewarding in the long run. (or should I say the MILK RUN, hyuk.. hyuk..) 4. Always aim ahead of your target according to your distance away from him. - When you are shooting at an enemy plane, always be sure to aim ahead of the target when they are flying on the x axis, and you on the y axis. Now it may seem hard to determine where to shoot, so just use this simple formula. For every 10 meters away from them = Aim 1 centimeter ahead. For example, if you were 100 meters away from the enemy plane, aim 10 centimeters ahead of them. 5. Don't crash -If you crash you ****ing suck, go burn your television. Hopefully you guys find these tips useful.
I really want to get this game, but EA servers are so damn retarded I can't connect to them, no matter what fix I attempt. My Router's NAT settins are set to Moderate, so that is the only thing I can think of left, but that can't be changed. Last time I tried, my router freaked out and I spent 3 hours getting it to work again. So not Battlefield for me =/
I don't really like how there is only three classes. The game is less realistic than most WW2 shooters. Like, a Thompson with a Rocket Launcher class? The developers must know nothing about WW2. Then like you cant go prone so what's the point of the sniper class. There's no jump button either which pisses me off. On top of that, it takes FOREVER to move across the map just to get killed in 5 seconds once you get to where there are actual enemies. I don't like it.
I believe in order to lift one's body off of the ground with legs, you must press the green skittle. In other words, press "A"
As with any Battlefield game, the key to getting places fast is vehicles. But they are also very obvious. If you want to be more discreet or vehicles aren't available, you may be in for a 30 second or so run. It's not really that long, just more so than CoD or Halo, but Battlefield games play a lot different then those, and it seems you expected the gameplay to be exactly the same.
It's because it's just a $15 arcade game. Just wait until Bad Company 2 for a full Battlefield experience. I'm pretty sure they know their fair share, but really... it's just an arcade game that's meant to be fun.. not realistic. Yeah, I was hoping for a Prone option, but I learned to adapt to not having one. It's just as useful hiding behind a hill as it is to be Prone. Oh really? Then I guess the Green Button on the controller doesn't do anything. One word: Vehicles. Take a Jeep to get there fast. If there are tons of enemies, take something powerful like one of the many Tanks that you can find on any map.
I can't even get online in the demo. I might get this in a week or so, but I'll have to see if I feel ;like spending more money after I buy MvC 2.
I actually think not having a "Prone" stance makes the game more challenging and interesting. Like you said, hiding on the side of the hill is really good, and I personally enjoy hiding in/around/behind/on top of trees (before they get blown up, that is). Not having Prone is actually a good thing, in my opinion.
Lol I love how I'm quoted for the rest of the posts. Ok, I remember trying the green button and it didn't work. I must have not been paying attention or something. I was not expecting the same gameplay as call of duty or halo trust me. But when the average amount of kills is like 5 for every 45 minutes of playing, I kind of question whether or not I'm really having fun. Sure its more realistic that a soldier would have to cross terrain to get to an enemy, and sure its realistic you would probably only get into one or two fire fire fights per life, but because no game can accurately give you all the actions you would be able to do in real life, you'll never feel like you are an actual soldier especially considering the rest of the game, the aspects that in my mind COUNT, are unrealistic. It's my opinion. I don't like the game. I'm sure there are plenty of reasons to like it though. So don't quote me anymore, because it's not a debate. It's an opinion, and by explaining why YOU think it's fun, you are not going to make me suddenly see a whole new side to this game, go back on it, and have the time of my life. I'm not mad or anything for the record, i know it sounds like a rant but it's not.
I don't think we were trying to make you suddenly like the game, maybe we just felt that you were hating it for the wrong reasons? But you shared your opinion, and I'll respect it.
i played the demo for this game and all i can say is im defiantly going to buy it! i love blowing up buildings with bazookas !
That's all I need to decide I don't want this. Thank you. My friends got my hopes up over this one but I never really liked BF, and figured it'd be a dumbed down version of BC. I guess I'll pick up Rock Band DLC instead. Better yet save the 20 dollars for Abbey Road when The Beatles: RB arrives