the elevation was a good move but like others, i too disagree with the small paths. i fell off waaay to many times.
the map is great but it is a bit easy to fall off. i have played it many times and it is difficult to survive, but i guess it makes it better than those monster trucks maps that take ten minutes to finish. i like when some people spawn on the main part and try driving foward but just fall off the edge. my suggestion would be to make the top part a little bigger and safer.
I love the map for the gameplay. It's freaking awesome to drive around in a warthog. All I have to say for all the haters the reason I like this map is because its so hard to drive the hog. I myself am a pretty good warthog driver so I don't really have problems with the map. If you're not good at driving the warthog, then I guess its a given you wont like it. Though, you have to admit the fact that Seaboro made the map look good and change the default layout of these types of maps by a long shot was awesome. Though, I must admit, the only thing I don't like about the gametype is when you're off the hill you run super fast and can jump super high... that can be bothering when you're trying to go for the outside warthog. Congrats on the feature Seaboro. edit: also, the only time I find it easy to fall off is when I drive off purposefully. If you can't handle the heat, then oh well. Get better.
You gotta love Monster Trucks. It's always fun. And unlike some other people, I like really narrow and risky maps, because it leads to quicker rounds so that people who are dead don't have to wait around for an hour to play again. Great job.
Very very true. Maybe even just go into forge and drive around for a while, get acquainted before you get into a game with experienced people. The reason the off hill traits are different is because of the score system. When there's two people left and a player falls off the hill they get lighter and this increases their fall time, the time still alive, so the round doesn't end before the player still on the hill gets the ten points. I actually put a big amount of effort trying to make the score system work.
I've played it multiple times with great success with eight people. You wouldn't believe the type of strategies people have come up with. If you park in the exact right spot and apply the brakes, you can make someone ramp off of you and off the map. I have jacked someone's ghost while going over the hole and they fell. Besides the gameplay, I found plenty or room for the hog. You can't always go full speed, but that means you gotta think about what you're doing. I would suggest playing again. Clear your mind before you do and aim to win. Don't worry, it angers me too.
Great job Never been a real fan of monster trucks myself, but looks great compared to all the other failed maps. Maybe i'll give it a try
Wow. what a fantastic analogy! and really is a testament to maps that play really well. when you think about it, the maps that play the best usually look pretty good by default. Whether thats cause youre just having a good time and are in a better mood, or if the forging is just so clean and fluid that it impresses you. Either way, its a pretty true statement. Congrats on the feature, I love this map. My opinion on the party size for Skyline is the more the better.
Omg this map isissss sooo freaking coool not even kidding, the forging is amzing i lovovve the design and the layout its pretty excepotional to most of the things that I have seen Im really into racing and this seems like a sick alternative for a whiile 20/20
Haha I actually downloaded this the day before its feature. I just played on it today though and its pretty fun! I really like how you set up the gametype and how you dont get point til' you knock everyone off. Usually it's some crappy slayer variant.
Wow cool I'm glad this got featured. Honestly, I personally didn't think it would but I'm not a huge fan of this kind of map. Anyways I did download it and it was pretty fun and looks really nice too. Good job.
great map and possibly the best monster trucks map ever and congratz on the feature but no offense i dont think a monster truck map should be featured. but however this map is very well made and i love the idea of 2 stories for a monster truck map
Played this game a few days ago, but people did not enjoy it because they (including myself) did not know what to do. I guess we needed a bit more knowledge about this game in order to have more fun. Congrats on the feature!
Why not? It's super fun with great forging, and a very innovative map. Sounds feature worthy to me. This map is loads of fun, me and my friends play stuff like this all the time, but this is the most fun I've had on any monster truck map. Congrats on the feature.
Looks like fun. Kinda sucks because my teams MLG 8 Hill map has had this name for 2 months yet we arent finished with it yet
I had just played on this map a few minutes ago and i would have to say that this a great map to play on, not just because of the aesthetics of the map, but also that i don't see a lot of monster truck maps with two levels. Keep forging.
This map is K. K for uber fun. It needs a random trip mine, even if the only way to get it is 2 jump on a chintapop and fly through the flaming toaster to get it. Anyway Congratz. My Rating: 4. >9000 / 5
Good map fun very cool map my friend all enjoy it but we all agree that the beggining is probablly the best part. Please make another map! 9/10