Run.. or die Can you survive the zombie attacks? Hiding in three bases might help you... or maybe not.... Map location: Gametype Description So basically humans spawn at a big base with weapons and a sender that send you outside the map, but then you go through another sender which takes you to base two, a base made out of interlocked fence box's, and in there you may wish to go through one last sender which takes you to two open boxes standing up with a man cannon in it that sends you up to the top which is a sniping tower Now to the zombies out there, you have two different bases to spawn at, they basically are the same but the items are organized differently. Screenshots Human spawn(base) Overview 1 Overview 2 Hallway(out of map) Base 2(inside) Zombie spawn 1 Zombie spawn 2
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I don't see anything posted wrong. But i like that the bases are interlocked and well done. But i'm just wondering is it as fun for the zombies as it is for the humans?
Yeah it is zombies(with the gametype) run fast and ect but can go to the same places and camp there waiting for the humans to go there and kill them