My third Roller Coaster eez finally complete. It's called Hell Razor because the effects and scenery style make it feel like hell, and the curves are razor sharp and clean. This map is a roller coaster, but features double wide sections as well. (This is my first complete map with interlocking.) Oh yea, one extremely big thing I like about this track, it has equal left and right turns. Not only are they equal, but they are in a perfect zigzag unison. Example, left, right, left, right. And I would say that's something to praise. The other unique thing I love about this map, is the spiral. I'm not sure how I did it, but that is one damn perfect spiral. Lol just check out the pics. Also, if you turn your sensitivity on 10, go in the oracle, and spin around clockwise above it, it will look HELLA tight! Anyway, here are some pics of the map, a download link to the map and gametype to use, and the YouTube vid shall be up soon enough! Here's the vid I just finished. YouTube - Hell Razor-A Sandbox Roller Coaster by T7 Konvicted. Gallery There it is guys, stay tuned for the Vid! Here is the download link to the Map: Hell Razor Here is the Download link to the GameType most preffered to play with: Roller Coasters PLEASE rate once you have tried out the map. Also feel free to leave comments on the file itself. Thanks guys, konvicted
Man, this is one of the better, if not best, roller coaster maps out there. I'm happy to see that your pictures basically travel through the map, which helps you get a better understanding of the track. I think though that your description needs a little changing. Often times I see the word I too much in a description. If you are going to make a reflection, have it as your last paragraph and perhaps focus more on talking about the map. Its hard to do, but it helps the reader think of their own maps, so write with a more informative state of mind. Again, great map, smooth track, overall, great job. May download and drive on this all week. EDIT: The persister, I'll top that (first vote is not visible till the second vote...)
omg, how in the world, dude you must have the biggest amount of free time in the world or you spent half of your life on building this, that looks like friggin amazing, that's even better than the last featured racetrack 'silhouette'. I love how both red and blue light effects are synchronized with the tunnel lines to make it look cool, also the forging is obviously smoothless, everything look sooo good and my mouth waters if I even think about racing on it, sad though that the walls form gaps in the track. I could keep on talking about how awesome the map looks and all, though I NEED to download it now!!! To keep it short, I'm proposing an EPIC feature, 5 star thread because of the map, though the discription is a bit funky in a bad way, at any rate, an amazing job can't wait to see your next map.
Many people have tryed making successful rollercoaster maps but only a few people have been able to make a good one, your one of those people. This is an amazing roller coaster and quite posible one of the best roller coasters here on FH
wow thanks guys! though I don't think I'm going to change the desc. It already has 50 downloads and I like it.
This map is truly a beaut. The gameplay, however, wasn't quite at the same level. At the end of the first bank there is a piece that sticks up a little and makes it more difficult to complete that turn. The spiral, while it is a work of art, requires a low rate of speed, which ruined the flow, imo. Also, I would suggest adding a grav lift right at the end, because several times I was going so fast that when I passed start that I hit the ceiling of the tube tunnel, resulting in complete loss of control. Enough with the negativity. I really liked the jumps. They worked every time, which is a great feat. Also, the transitions between the pieces of different widths was very nice, as was the interlocking with the double-wide pieces. While not as competitive as your past roller coasters, this map is great for having fun with friends.
Wow, This looks great, I will DL. I love the fusion of single and double wide parts, that's pretty epic and very different. that one downward helix twist looks a bit tough though but it forged so well. Well done, I'll probably text back when I test the track. (If I remember-lol)
this is spam around here. you might be new to forgehub, but you should've read what you can and cant post. most of it looks amazaing and smooth, but why stop fusing in a few spots. it just really bothers me. like you start out with a perfect racetrack and then theres a few spots not fused. it looks ugly and kind of ruins the map. you should make a V2 and fix this small error.
Talk about constructive critisism! lol thanks man, and yea I had no money left for a grav lift at the end which I would have placed, were I able to. Though personality, I love the end because it's always fun to gamble and see if you can live through that velocity back into the map. Though I know most people aren't going to like it. For some wierd reason, I hit the roof of the tunnel every time, and even when I do flips and shi7, I always stay alive and begin my next lap. It's strange how easy it is to survive that. But yea I see what your saying. And yes it's easier than my other maps.