You're flaming on your very first posts, if you don't have anything to contribute then don't comment on the thread. As for the whole Marathon thing, I think it would be awesome if they continued it.
If they remade it the new version would likely have similar gameplay. Not the same, becuase not even all of the Halo games were exactly the same. And General, why would he be a lunatic, he has been asleep. To him, the 250 year nap would be similar to blinking your eye and waking up a little stiff...
god hopefully, i dont think i could live without some bungie game in my life and master chief, but they did say they wrnt gonna make another trilogy
They have said many things that they wen't back on, like they said for sure a while ago that they weren't going to ever make a Halo 3, but that happened.
Yeah its more than likely they will change their mind again but at this point i think we should let this die until we find some new things to debate aboout. We all know my opinion,ruuk's,ty's,brutes etc so until something new comes along its jsut us going "rah rah rah! im right" and another replying "no rah rah rah i know dis so you wrong rah rah rah" so maybe let this die for the minute? btw super trooper they wouldnt be continuing it.Theyd just be redoing it... there would be nothing new. Imagine watching the star wars originals with there newer effects,slightly different but its still the same. Not quite the same gauge since marathon was 2d and the halo engine is 3d but your get the idea
No, the Marathon is a planetship that was made from Deimos, one of Mars' moons. And the sphere at the end of Halo 3 is obviously a planetship because it is, well, a planet, and it is also obviously not natural because of the smooth, metallic surface and large light formations. Over a century before humanity made first contact with the Covenant, the Deimos Conversion Project began. Approximately thirty years before the Covenant made contact, the conversion was completed and the Marathon disappeared into uncharted space. This was before the invention of Shaw-Fujikawa slipspace engines. After centuries of travel, the Marathon arrived at Tau Ceti IV where a colony was established. It thrived for 21 years, and was then attacked by the Pfhor. The colony was wiped out, and the Marathon's whereabouts became unknown.
Metallic? Shiny light formations? Planets sized? Couldn't possibly be a forerunner shield world hoe no that'd be far to logical and inside the halo storyline, Yup its definately the marathon..... And there youv just claimed that the marathon leaves earth 30 years before the covenat wars start? ok then. I bring you back to TY comment on the technology...30 years of distance fomr earth.. +250 years to advance...and you think that marathon would still have inferior technology to halo space? Ergo master chief would actually be useful with his out dated battlesuit? AHEM "Rah rah rah you wrong foo!" And if they were only a few years off inventing hyperdrives youd think theyd have pulled it off ,no? Or by your theory are there no scientists about your average colony ship? :S oh and btw That metallic surface could just as easily be rock,its not very well lit in the trailer so it is NOT "obviously" the marathon in any way,shape or form also according to halowiki here tau ceti iv was/is a human colony wiped out by the COVENANT in the halo unviverse, therefore unless we are talking alternate dimensions etc your marathon story cannot exist in the chief world or else the Pfhor fomr marathon=the covanent...covenant defeated...nothing for thestory to do in 250 yearsunless you have found "clues" that bungie have said the covanent reform in 250 years with a new name or something. And yes i know halowiki can be altered so i will try find the source but why would someone randomly type in tau ceti four and write a two sentance article about it? If it was a joke they'd at least add some backstory
Please brush up before you flame midget, I got the information I posted today striaght out of the Marathon game, the Halo books and sites like Halopedia, you don't even have the correct information about tau ceti, yes the covenant dide wipe it out, then 250 years later they, the humans, did take it back. Before you speak again in my thread, do your homework.
But the thing is, the Covenant "Glassed" Tau Ceti. There is no possible way the humans could recolonize it, because it had no atmosphere. Everything was just gone. No trees, no rocks, nothing. Except in an alternate dimension.
I'm not sure your getting what I'm saying. It is 250 years later, glassing something does not permanently destroy it. Ecosystems can recover. Over time the effects of the plasma wear off and the enviroment recovers, just like radiation in real life. So yet again, false assumption. Good try though.
Ok. Tell, what can grow on glass? According to Halo: First Strike, Nothing is left on a glassed planet but glass and cinder. Go ahead and check, its on page 109. Correct me if im wrong, but im pretty sure that glass cant provide anything that can restore the atmosphere with the proper nutrients to grow, and, since there is no water anywhere, nothing to keep them from drying out. Knowing this, tell me how it's possible to restore the atmosphere.
Okay taut ceti was an already colonised world and was in fact in good contact with earth it being the cloest star system to our own(according to wikipedia-it is definately a nearby one to my knowledge) Tau ceti is also the place they first tested the mjolnir armor in fall of reach (ie a large-scale well developed base).I remembered tau ceti my memory simply wasnt jogged until i looked around a bit. you say marathon leaves for it 30 years before the covies arrive yes? Okay so humans invent hyberdrives after the colony leaves and what? Outrun them there and just leave it? No that is not a human ideal by a long shot. If they existed in the same fictional storyline they would have checked the marathons route with their shaw fujikawa engines and found the marathon. And NOTHING can grow on a glassed planet,ITS GLASS. as in solid material.Does anything grow on the moon? NO The formation of glass is a chemical reaction and is nigh impossible to reverse. Same as you cant reconvert ash back into wood. Therfore theres no way it would recover naturallly. As for re-terraforming...why would you bother teraforming something that hard to do when there are other planet to go to. Now can we please put an end to this topic until new evidence shows up? Or else someone will just end up with an aneurysm
Ok, here is the bottom bottom line. I would gladly accept more comments to be posted. All of anyone's replies are all opinions, and are subject to change. Yes, there would be plotholes if Bungie contiued MC's career in Marathon, but so what? I just like the idea of a new Marathon reivival, because they would essentially be the equivilant of a Halo 4, 5, and 6. I know that many of you like to point out things, but why would you not like and be open to the idea Bungie will likely remake Marathon. I doubt any of you said these kinds of things when they made the newer Star Wars movies, and yes there were plotholes, but that's not the point, it's the game. I think its good though that you are astute and can pick up on snags and holes, but there is no reason to say Bungie won't remake it, because it really is likely.
Nah i said them shortly after watching the star wars movies :S.... only i never picked up on the plotholes because i was only like 10 at the time and han't read the star wars books etc. As ive said i've no problem if marathon was remade but it shouldn't replace halo becuase there plenty for the chief to do in his own galaxy and halo is already a proven storyline that people like. Although if they did continue halo and remake marathon they would have two very similiar games. Its pssible they may only release marathon on PC and mac orsomethng and keep halo on the console. To my knowledge(i may be wrong) they havent released halo 3 for pc yet.
Yeah, I know Marathon won't replace Halo, and also they never release the PC version of Halo games till about two to three years after original console release./