This is ridiculously old, dating back to a few weeks after finishing my last map. I just found it on my old computer, and transfered it onto my laptop and uploaded it to Filefront. While i work out what to do, im just wondering what some of you mighty fine dudes think of it. Bear in mind that only a fraction of the map has been completed, and there will likely be some drastic changes if i choose to finish it. Also, this all depends on wether i choose to come back and actually make this. If anyone thinks they are up to the challenge, and wishes to either help me or do it themselves, do not fret to ask. Map Concept Final 2.skp
I like the look of it. It sort of gives off a Gridlocked kind of feel with the tall pillars all around. I'll be interested to see it when more work is done on it. One question though. In the picture below, is the passage to the right of the stairs going to be blocked off (leads to bottom center of map)?
I always like to see new content come from you Matty, but will you go to the extent and take some screenshots so I can take a look at your layout. Please. :[
I have a few questions: Will players be able to access the level that is three boxes high? Also, did you have any specific gametypes or such in mind?
If your referring to the two passages coming from either side toward the center, then yes. They will be primary attack routes for objective games, as they are fairly well restricted to be 1-way. And most 1 sided objective games should function well. 1-Flag would be a good example, with the flag at the front in the middle, somewhat like Relic from Halo 2.
It appears that there is only one path route up to the tunnels. Is this intentional, or are you still not sure of what to do there. I see that you can drop down from the tunnels to the top center, but I worry that having only one way back up might be detrimental to flow.
They are intended to be one-way, as if the defenders could easily use them, they would be come overpowering against the attacking team. The design is intended as to create a bit of a twist.
Download Sketchup 7 from their website, it's about 50mb. Once downloaded and installed, don't open it, just double click on this file, and it will be opened in sketchup with all of the Foundry components.