UPDATE: Fixed minor error with map Hello again, its been awhile and i've perfected my old remake of a Quake 3 arena map called longest yard. Its bigger better and 100% Fail proof. If your not familiar with this quake map the orignal map image can be found here; http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2009/055/LongestYard439_screen.jpg It has very balanced weapons and spawns. I have replaced Quad Damage with a rocket Laucner. Super Health with a OS. and finally Red armor with a regen. Here are the screenshots enjoy! Download Fixed Version Works well with Oddball and Slayer gametypes. Designer for FFA games. Have fun! - coca mola
Hey, looks like you tried to link from Bungie.net. Sadly, they don't let you. If you go to Halo Screen Shots and search your Gamertag, you can get the screenshots from there. There are 3 link codes, the top one is for Forgehub. Hope this helps.
I'll post the same thing I posted in the Q3DM17 remake that showed up yesterday: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/78880-q3dm17.html
Mickraider, I agree with you. I played Quake 3 a ton back in the day of the Dreamcast. Boy, that was the crap! Anyways, people keep remaking this map since its the easiest to remake. They are just too lazy to examine other maps and consider them as remake worthy. The thread link you posted (I was too lazy to look at that map when it was in newest) links to a better remake anyways. OVerall, this is unoriginal. Someone beat you to it buddy. Not only that but they beat you good. Sorry cocamoca...