So, KoG DruMmin (lildrummer714) and I took some shots together yesterday. I think mine are alright ... his are better. Anywho, let me know what you think. And also, these next two are ones I did by myself. I'm starting to <3 silhouettes. Let me know which you like better.
LIES! lol =) Oops I almost forgot to comment on these AMAZING shots! (which are definitly better than mine) I think my most favorite of the ones you took with me are the two last ones! They look supa cool! And as for the sillhouette shots I think the second one is better, just because I like it when you can't see what you're standing on. But that's just my opinion and it's not that big of a deal. Great job!
Yeah, the silhouette shots definitely need some cleaning up. I was being rushed when I was trying to take them so they didn't turn out as good as they could have. Also, to end this right now, our shots are equal. Done. Lol.
Yeah... I know the feeling lol. It doesn't allow for the best shots when someone is waiting for you to hurry up! lol Haha ok that's fine!