GrifGolfv3 Created By: So guess who Design/Original Idea By: StolenSteal Gameplay Video/ Minitage YouTube - Halo 3 Sandbox - GrifGolfv3 GrifGolf has come a long way in the last three months. A lot of adjusting and gameplay changes have helped it evolve to reach it's potential. Many, many hours were spent on what seems like a simple map. But the idea always remained the same: Blow up the other teams base. The game plays much differently than Grifball. This is due to it naturally being in the Skybubble and is also due to the fact of the custom settings. Each player can have one of three sets of health, speed, etc. Base Player Traits: Damage Resistance 1000% No Shields Damage Modifier 100% Player Speed 100% Player Gravity 100% Sensors 25 Meters Bomb Carrier Traits: Damage Resistance 300% Normal Shields Damage Modifier 300% Player Speed 125% Player Gravity 75% Sensors Unchanged Custom Powerup Traits: Duration 10 seconds Damage Resistance 500% x2 Shields Shield Recharge Rate 90% Damage modifier UNCHANGED Player Speed 200% Player Gravity UNCHANGED Sensors Unchanged Custom powerups are not placed at start and spawn alternately at 60 seconds and 90 seconds. The increase in speed takes a while to be mastered. The player who acquires this should still be considered a serious threat. When you fall to your death or die, your respawn wait is 3 seconds. You spawn under the scaffolding or in the base. This game, created for 3v3 & 4v4 action, still has some decent aethestics implemented into the map. pictures following later will display this. In this new version, we tried to use FXs to increase the overall appeal of the map. These attempts were unsucessful, so we looked into something else. We eventually came up with some major changes, including: Overhang at each base to allow easier bomb planting Redesigning of the bases, keeping only half of the original design Making all of the platforms at the same height (pushed under the Skybubble) Redesigned the middle for smoothness/ aesthetics Interlocked bomb plant and neutral bomb spawn Switched out pallets Added more Obelisks Added reflective Golfballs Added alternating custom powerups Moved the saffoldings back a little Changed the bottom text to add on budget Removed bomb spawns that were at the ground level So those were pretty much all of the changes, which all had some affect on the map or my well-being. Now, without further ado, screenshots... Map appearance for the first 45 seconds Map appearance after 45 seconds Map appearance after 60 seconds Blue Base (Red has the same design) More open than v2 and also includes an overhang New middle Bomb pickup Golfball Guardians watch over you Yes, please do so. Also, in-game, you won't look at the "Sloppiness" since it never is viewed at ground level Action Shots Meeting at the Middle Opps missed a step! Give me your money! Aww dang! So Close! Special Thanks To: StolenSteal, who made this map possible LargoBig al, for being annoying but being there IPARTYIBOY, for being himself (and giving constructive critisism) Teh Nooceness, who also was there...from day two *rusty eagle and Chipsinabox for helping me out when people go stupid on this website* All the people from the film All the people from the previous film All other people that helped in some way Rooster Teeth ...and you for your time =D Map Download Gametype Download
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From the vieo the the map looks really fun. The top looks well put together but the bottom words look kinda sloppy. Nice job tho 4/5
Hmm, the bottom isnt too sloppy, Actually, I think its not sloppy at all. Rather, It's legible. When you fall, you only get to see flashes of it because the respawn time is so fast (3 seconds). If it was sloppy when you look at it from above, I would have changed it. Maybe you feel this way since it lacks interlocking.
Hah, I remember playing this a while ago. Like the changes you made, but why not just flip the tin cups over? It would look much better than random golf ball holes around the course.
well, i see way too may people falling off, and when you make a map like this, it needs to be forged to top quality, i see a lot of sloppyness in the forging department tht could be fixed easily no offense, but im sticking to the normal crypt grifball
You may want to take a little time to touch up on the "Have a nice fall" part. Too many people are falling off too. Otherwise its a great idea. And isn't Grif YELLOW, in the game when you picked up the bomb you were white.
Please inform me where it is sloppy. Because I would really just love to know how the map is "sloppy" when I spent so much time in straightening up every little freaking detail. Also, your grammar also needs to be forged to top quality as well. I heard another comment about the words written on the bottom of the map. It's NOT sloppy, just uninterlocked! Besides, I fixed the sloppy areas, and when you are playing in the skybubble, how the hell could you tell if columns weren't interlocked? To all who downloaded and have real constuctive critisim that doesn't include complex ways to say "nE3ds mOAr inTerlOcks!", then tell me what you think. One last thing, it's GrifGolf for a reason. It's really a play on words, that's why the ball carrier is white.
this does look like a possible win for the griffball department and ill definatly try this out. but i do also see alot of falling involved, but i suppose people will get good at it after playing a while. i think it would be cool to see this on matchmaking.
This is an interesting map. The fact that people take about 2-3 hammer hits to kill kinda makes it a little dull, and actually getting the bomb to the other side is rare, and when that does happen, it really just seems to be based on luck. It really just doesn't compare to Grifball. Sorry.
Interestingly, my post was deleted along with someone elses, I don't understand. Mods, why did you delete the posts? I thought you just tagged them. Anyways, Leetmaster. Thats the whole point. Its suppose to take several hits to kill someone because the idea is to knock your opponenet off with the force of the gravity hammer. Also, you helped me test V1 and V2, I kicked you off my friends list before my friends and I tested this version, where I made tons of improvements. The map is in no way based on luck, you have to know when to approach or backup. Thanks for saying sorry.
Looks fun and interesting to play with friends, the only thing, a very minor detail, is why "Grifgolf"? I understand it's a play on words, but there's nothing "Grif" about it?
Well, I kept the original design of the game, see? The gametype and game is basically in honor of Grifs game. The basic idea behind grifball remains with this map. You have to bomb the opposing team. Of course, I naturally changed the "Grifs" color, but only because the co creator originally suggested this. It makes it more humorful. On the plus side, it seems that your hitting a golfball around
I was never much of a fan of Grifball. It was boring and repetetive, quite frankly. GrifGolf on the other hand shows much more potential for chaos and enjoyment. Very well made.
Thank you kind sir. I made sure it was well made by making sure everything was straight, the battles on the platforms were epic, and the challenge is continous. My next map will hopefully also receive such comments. I just finished it, took me 5 days, but it is so worth it. You guys will like it.
I think he just has higher expectations or is just used to seeing high quality maps. So just just learn that you won't be able to please EVERYONE and also, I really saw no point in insulting his grammar we're all just on the computer. >.> Anyways, seems like a nice twist to Grifball although I've never like it too much, but this just might be what I'm looking for to make it work for me, a bit more chaotic but not so much of that closed space feeling snd you'll be on you're toes more. I for one don't see any 'sloppiness' seems fine to me so great work on the map!
Thanks, and you do have a point. I guess hard work can't please everyone. Thanks for the comment and the look. Yes, I don't see any sloppiness either :0. Oh, and the grammar thing... I guess I got a bit carried away. Sorry about that. Not doing that in my current threads of course. A little immature I was, kind of like the mods on some occasions. What? Just saying! Download and have a good time people.
Nice to see you made a v3, the falling thing may get on peoples nerves for a while but they will probably get better after playing on the map. Did you know it's possible to get to the active camos and overshields at the tops of r and b base via hammer shockwave? maybe you can merge them into the structure a little bit
Everyone seems to be focused more on the fact that there is a message on the ground rather then the gameplay itself. That being said, I still think there is waaaay too much falling off for this to be a popular gametype. Not to mension the only thing that is "golf" related about this map are the tin cups, which, being completely honest, would be better off flipped upside down so you could walk more than two feet at a time without jumping.