Sandbox Telekinesis V2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by PRS, Jul 14, 2009.

  1. PRS

    PRS Ancient
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    Telekinesis-the ability to move or deform inanimate objects through mental processes.

    Hello again! This is the V2 of one of my best maps, and loads of layout, weapon, and spawn planning have gone into this. As always, comment, criticize, and rate, and tell me what to fix and improve. But, I have fixed things that you, the community, have asked me to. So here is a list of changes:


    -Redone Bottom Middle, more like a pit
    -Redone spawns completely
    -Redone perch columns at bases
    -added, adjusted and fixed railings on map
    -fixed most of the z-fighting
    -fixed uneven doorways, now all are straight
    -added/removed weapons
    moved colored columns on roof to the top center over doorways to help players locate themselves and guide them to the bases
    -adjusted and added KOTH hills and changed the spawn order
    -removed Custom CTF, and CTF in general is discouraged
    -changed respawn times on some weapons
    - Made inescapable, from what I know


    Telekinesis is a team-based or FFA based map built in the sky-bubble. It is symmetrical but oblique. What that means is that it based on symmetrical layout, and it looks and feels the same on both sides of the map, but there is no straight line of symmetry on it. It can play everything but Juggernaut, VIP, and Infection, but is best suited for Team Slayer, FFA, Team or FFA KOTH, and its custom CTF gametype, PsyFlag.

    This map is the first official map of the Phylum Map Pack, which contains Telekinesis, obviously, Forerunner V2, Oubliette V2, and Hiatus. (Only Telekinesis has been released.) I like to start off strong with a map like this. More on the Phylum Map Pack will be released later.

    For this map, I had covenant architecture in mind. This map had HEAVY inspiration from a structure featured on the level "The Arbiter" in Halo 2, the Threshold Gas Mine. With its intricate structure, it gives a mystic and mythic feel to the map, as you can see from the doors to the center structure, as well as the bases. In asthetics, I think I succeded. The center spins, the plasma leaks everywhere, the rust on the backs and tops of teh base pillars, all really give a feel for a abandoned gas mine. MY inspiration fot he map came from a touch of guardian, a covenant twist on warlock, Assembly's centerpiece, and obviously the Threshold Gas Mine. This map doesn't feature a wide array of different elevations, just the top and bottom floor areas, but these simplify the complexity some maps hold. Gameplay elements aren't affected, it's still awesome and fun, but you do still gain a hight advantage with this. This is probably the first layout I've actually spent a major amount of time planning out. (Yes, all of my other maps were really just having an idea and building from there).

    This map took about maybe a week and a half to make, just testing and editing and slacking has increased the time consumed by it to make it. I took your advice and my time and accounted it into everything.

    Story Time!


    To make an empire, a civilization must have a source of energy. Not just light energy, but power energy to fuel the machines of everyday life. We chose coal and gasoline as our main power sources, and we're on the way to changing it again. For the Covenant, having control of a very large portion of the Orion Arm of the Milky Way galaxy, had some advantageous materials and fuels at their disposal. They chose plasma, a partially ionized gas, in which a certain amount of electrons are free rather than being bound to an atom or molecule. Plasma is not like solids, liquids, or gases, but a distinct state of matter. Plasma typically takes the form of neutral gas-like clouds, as seen, for example, in the case of stars, or in gaseous streams. They mined this just as we do with oil rigs. The San 'Shyuum, also known as Prophets, had religious powers brought upon them by innovations and inventions of the Forerunners. One was a device as well as a pill-like tool called Kinetica which allowed the Prophets to exhibit powers of telekinesis. This is what has built, operated, and floated many structures they created. This power was very religious in terms of god-like powers given to them for their status in society. Telekinesis is what has been holding this Plasma rig up for millennia, but it will bring the downfall of your life...

    WARNING: Don't shoot the invisible Prophet at the bottom, or the structure will fall.*



    - 4 BR's
    - 2 carbines
    - 4 SMG's
    - 2 maulers
    - 1 shotgun
    - 1 energy sword


    - 4 plasma grenades

    Forging 101

    Forging 101:
    [ YES ] __Floating Objects
    [ ___ ] __Instant Respawn
    [ YES ] __Immovable Objects
    [ ___ ] __Timed Map Events
    [ YES ] __Effective Spawn Placement
    [ YES ] __Gravity Lift Techniques
    [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water
    [ ___ ] __Used Symmetry Option
    [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects
    [ ___ ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry
    [ YES] __Unlimited Budget Glitch

    *It won't fall, but use your imagination.

    To the Pictures!


    Overview. Notice the "plasma leak" aesthetics on top.

    Overview without roof (2nd Floor only)

    Overview (1st Floor only)


    Comparison between Telekinesis and the Threshold Gas Mine

    Red Base​

    Blue Base​

    Red Elbow​

    Blue Elbow​


    Center (1st Floor)​

    Center (2nd Floor)​

    Center Ceiling. Notice the colored columns.​

    The Pit/Bottom Center (Player View). Notice the "plasma leak" aesthetics in the middle pillar and the new sloped floor, making it more like a "pit". Also the new shotgun spawns here.​

    The Temple/Top Center (Player View). Notice the new colored columns on top of the doorways.
    The Centerpeice still spins!​

    I hope you like Telekinesis V2 , I've spent lots of time to fix this and re-present this to you.​

    -Dylan ​
    #1 PRS, Jul 14, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2009
  2. ehand88

    ehand88 Ancient
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    Well, its good to see that you put some more work into this already well done map. It looks like you addressed all of the issues that people found in the first version. Of course, the aesthetics remain beautiful and that is always a plus. I believe redoing the respawns will help this map more than anything else. Also discouraging CTF is probably a good thing, but it can still be fun. Great work with the story and matching aesthetics, that is my favorite part. I still like the layout of this map and I will try to get a group together so we can check out the gameplay. I believe it will work well.
  3. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Wow. I really liked the 1st version of this map and i think the changes make the map looks quite good. Really like how you made bottom center look more like a pit just liek you said. Really like this map and its really fun to play with friends, i`ll have a fun time playing this once i make room. Oh yes in the section where you note the changes and say its inescapable, did you mean you could get outta the map before?
  4. MetaLemur

    MetaLemur Ancient
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    well it looks good and has improved alot but i think u should fix those ledges where u half to jump up into the middle off the collums
  5. xHBxSOLO

    xHBxSOLO Ancient
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    Yo son the asthetics on this are amazing it is quite small but is merged almost to perfection a beautiful map I had to stop n look at ceilling on the second floor while I was playing a FFA and got killed great job bruh
  6. Leoparddude

    Leoparddude Ancient
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    Wow I always love maps with storys.
    I also love maps based on other structures so this is a win win for me haha.
    I never would of thought of remaking the stucture from The Arbiter level.
    I didn't have many problems with spawning on the last version, but I didn't play it with many people either.
  7. PRS

    PRS Ancient
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    Answering questions now!

    Ehand: Thank you for your long, supporting article on all the stuff you liked. I see now that whatever I did, I did well.

    Jumpman: Thank you as well. Yes, the V1 was escapable, but I think I fixed it.

    General Gilliam: Oh, it's budget-glitched.

    MetaLemur: What ledges? I don't follow your description.

    xHBxSOLO: Thanks. Lol people stopped to look at the roof in my game too.

    JoshRicks: Thanks. About the favorite/feature... that's up to you looking at this post. Support Telekinesis!

    Leoparddude: I really renovated the structure in the arbiter level, not a remake. but it looks similar, mainly because it's really flipped upside down. But I had a problem with spawning. So now I learned all about spawning and I think I did really well.

    Thanks to all of you. Keep them comments coming'!

  8. uF HaVoK

    uF HaVoK Ancient
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    Great improvement with the pit in the middle from your first version. It definitely remains a very eye-catching map. I just hope the gameplay is better with new spawns... Anyway great job :)
  9. Meteor

    Meteor Ancient
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    Seems as if you have fixed the small number of imperfections in the first map so I will download and playthrough. Hopefully will no longer have issues with grenades being lost and spawns.

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