The Mill

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by L337beanbag, Jul 15, 2009.

  1. L337beanbag

    L337beanbag Ancient
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    Hello again Forge Hub, it's been a loooong time since i posted a map mostly all i have been doing is getting better at forging and i got hooked on Fallout 3 but thats another story.

    Anyway, Heres my newest map THE MILL

    I'm sure i could think of a better story if i tried, but as it is i'm lazy.

    Deep inside this munitions factory a team of workers have become trapped, the doors are sealed and they lack supplies... but thats the least of their worries.
    Its a primarily linear dash for safety and ammo all the while being hounded by zombies that come from literally everywhere, they can basically fly, they have superior speed and jump which makes running a terrible option. You will need teamwork if you want to survive past even the first roadblock while it opens up, the only time going one on one with a zombie is even feasible is when your carrying a shotgun and this will cost you more health and ammo than is safe especially with the general rarity of shotguns in this map (no weaponry or equipment will respawn, sharing is caring)

    This is an infection map that is used with a custom game type named Onslaught, DL: : Halo 3 File Details

    And onwards to the pictures fro those who didn't want to read my beautiful text block.

    This is your view from the human starting point, that room up ahead is going to want to be your first stop as it contains one of the 3 shotguns on the map
    as well as 2xSMG some grenades giving you your initial weapon set.

    Behind these barriers is the zombies spawning point, you will be safe until they are broken down, which on average gives you enough times to grab a weapon and be just into the next area before they come after you.

    Through that hole in the wall is your escape route, inside the building you will find 2xFlame grenades which you will find are invaluable for taking down stray zombies and the Slaughterer which will will spawn every 90 seconds.

    This alley is full of cover and contains 2xFlame grenades and a Rocket Launcher, the launcher while wonderful at providing support for your team has only 2 shots use them wisely, (a well done grenade jump in this area can provide early access to a later area but the cost of health may not be worth it especially if you've already been hit, besides only the humans are being kept out, nothing stops the zombies)

    A well thrown grenade or some random bullets will free you to the new area (watch out that warthog can be lethal!)

    This zone nets you the best loot so far, with a Power drain, Trip mine, BR and SMG to help you survive the grueling 2 minute wait for a dumpster to get you through to the next zone, unless you can be cooperative... otherwise this is likely where you will lose most of your pack.


    A dull room with little to no cover and no weaponry were meant to stay here for a whole minute more with hordes of ravenous zombies out for our blood?
    Haven't you ever played infection?
    But don't despair this room has more than meets the eye, see that box in the distance? it is what i call the ammo press switch, think of it as a random weapon box without the random and fun for the whole team, upon giving the propane tank a good whack a pile of one clip weapons will be shot towards you, refills for all!
    The room also contains the other 2 shotguns, one in the ammo press the other hidden, look carefully, it's fully clipped.

    This is your gate to freedom and your best chance of survival, when the clock hits 3 minutes ( id make it longer but there are limitations) a cannon man will spawn, walk into the blocks and watch them fly, the cannon man is positioned
    just so it wont affect you so don't get any ideas of an escape route, it won't work.

    Through the rubble you will find you have a choice, a ramp leading up to an elevated last stand zone and up ahead a truck containing the factory's last shipment as well as an office adjoining it, neither the truck or the office offer much in the way of protection, (in fact the truck is explosive) so you may want to grab some weaponry and then make a dash for the true last stand room. The trucks contents include 2xARs 1xBR 1xBrute shot frag grenades and spike grenades, the last stand room has a fully clipped Sniper and an AR.
    The last stand room will put you more or less on par with the zombies with a height advantage and by now should have plenty of long range weapons to pick them off with.

    I can't really do an overview because of the maps shape but let me try and explain, it takes a snaking route with two large areas and a variety of alleys using every part of Foundry except glitch areas so it is rather big, I personally recommend parties of at least 8 so there will always be more than one zombie
    at all times.
    Once again sorry about lack of picture here i hope you can put it together from the other pictures.

    DOWNLOAD : Halo 3 File Details

    Hope everyone has as much fun playing on it as i had making it.
  2. Sand Fisher

    Sand Fisher Ancient
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    Looks Interesting and the 10th screen shot looks like it could add some fun moments to the map.

    However, kinda sloppy.
  3. L337beanbag

    L337beanbag Ancient
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    I can understand that you see it as sloppy and it is some places, but this was unavoidable because i didn't use an infinite money canvas, so i had to make cuts to visuals for game play and overall function.
  4. the persister2

    the persister2 Ancient
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    I know that you weren't using the infinite money canvas, though you can still fix the sloppy objects that you already have and then it would at least look good for the maximum of the budget you have, at any rate, I still think the map uses the aspects of foundry well and it would probably wrap up some fun, nice job, good luck on your next map too.
  5. L337beanbag

    L337beanbag Ancient
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    Your probably right, but at this point in time i think as long as they don't affect game play i don't think i could be bothered to edit and update the post, but that aside thanks for from my point of view a positive comment :)
    #5 L337beanbag, Jul 15, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2009
  6. futebolguy45

    futebolguy45 Ancient
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    I love the idea of the random box. It's very original. It is a dL for me. Me and my buddies will have a great time.
    #6 futebolguy45, Jul 15, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2009
  7. Fruitista

    Fruitista Ancient
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    this map isnt really that good. there is no original layout and it is one of the sloppiest maps i have seen. it doesnt matter if you used the inf money glitch or not that doesnt excuse not merging and merging DOES affect gamepley a whole lot. as for infection this map doesnt look that good either. better luck next time
  8. Higinia

    Higinia Ancient
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    Could you seriously not be any more of a douche?
    Merging doesn't always affect gameplay.
    It makes it cleaner.

    I actually really like this layout.
    I would've expected a house in the middle of Foundry, but this is different.
    Great job, Broseph.
  9. L337beanbag

    L337beanbag Ancient
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    Fruitista, i can see your point of view but merging affects aesthetics not game play, theres a reason this is in the casual section and furthermore i can guarantee this isn't the sloppiest map you have ever seen, also you gave no suggestions or said where it was offending, what do you want fixed?
    Better luck posting next time.
  10. TheFakeAngatar

    TheFakeAngatar Ancient
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    There is much sloppier maps than this one, and honestly, unless it's a ramp of floor, I don't see the use in merging.
  11. Kryticate

    Kryticate Ancient
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    You know they can still get past the barricades, right? You need a weapon holder.

    That wall really stands out, are you going to fix that?

    That "B" sign does not look like it will stop people. It would be better to interlock a wall into the other wall and double box beside it.

    Forklift would look much better if it was carrying a box.

    Can you go through those doors? And why would there be a dumpster right beside it? If there was one door I guess it could be considered a backdoor but there are two, so is it the front?

    What is with the random box in the middle of no where? Kind of weird, right? Maybe remove that. And that fence wall over there, leaning; well, what is that for anyway?

    I guess nothing can be done to make that more realistic, but could you try?

    Whoa! Crazy!

    Why is that truck carrying a huge double box? I mean, you know those huge crates you see at harbors? That is how big the double box is supposed to be, you sure it can carry that much? A crane would be better. And the barriers at the back of the truck? What is with those, trying to stabilize the box?

    Is it possible to jump over there onto the pallet? And if you could, wouldn't it be unfair because they could just camp there?
  12. Crazyjester

    Crazyjester Ancient
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  13. LockeGenRedux

    LockeGenRedux Ancient
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    The map looks fairly cool, The gameplay is probably fairly tense. I'll DL it when i get back home.


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