Sandbox Defend the Fort

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by tR Siickness, Jul 14, 2009.

  1. tR Siickness

    tR Siickness Ancient
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    Defend the Fort is a map specifically made for Capture the Flag. The defending side spawns inside the Fort and tries to defend the flag from capture. The attacking side spawns in the opposite corner and tries to batter down the defenders.

    (Please use the gametype I made)

    Starting Weapon: Battle Rifle
    Secondary Weapon: Assault Rifle

    Weapons on Map:
    Assault Rifle x2
    Battle Rifle x5
    Shotgun x1
    Sniper Rifle x5
    SMG x2
    Spiker x2
    Brute Shot x3
    Rocket Launcher x1
    Spartan Laser x1
    Covenant Carbine x1
    Machine Gun Turret x1

    Equipment on Map:
    Trip Mine x2
    Deployable Cover x1
    Bubble Shield x1

    Vehicles on Map:
    Warthog x3
    Mongoose x3
    Scorpion x1

    Now, on to the pictures:

    Defending Base:


    (Open this gate to rush from both sides. Tank cannot fit through either gate.)

    (Teleporter goes into the cylinder. Inside there is a Rocket Launcher, Sniper Rifle, and Spartan Laser.)

    (This is on the left side of the defending base, by the destroyable gate. There is a Brute Shot behind the Tube Ramps to break the gate [two hits]. Active Camo is behind the Wall Corners. )

    (Spikers behind the left cover, Carbine inside the one on the right.)


    Attacking Base:

    (Teleporter goes to another sniper tower in a corner of the map [next picture].)



    Thanks for viewing, hope you like!


  2. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    Gah, a perfectly good map, spoiled by armouries!

    #1: Don't have huge amounts of power weapons and/or vehicles! You've got one tank and two hogs! I'd have the tank spawn one minute in and only have one Warthog. And don't have two brute shots. Not a great idea.

    Anyways, apart from that, this seems like an awesome map. You rarely see gates and tactical rushing points in these kind of maps. Nice job, I'll download it.

  3. uF HaVoK

    uF HaVoK Ancient
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    ^ Agreed, great map potential, the forging is done well, but the armories just off set it. Take those away and add just a tad bit more cover for teh attackers and this seems like alot of fun!
    Also, how many people do you recomend?
  4. tR Siickness

    tR Siickness Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you for the comments. I played up to 6, but this would definitely hold 8-10 for sure.
  5. Sand Fisher

    Sand Fisher Ancient
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    The fort looks really awesome and so do the mini forts.

    I thinks this map might fit the mini game section a little better though.

    But still a great map.
  6. tR Siickness

    tR Siickness Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm sorry, but I don't see the logic in it being a mini-game....
  7. crispychicken49

    crispychicken49 Ancient
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    Too many vehicles in one base. Plus dont you think its a bit empty? Besides that its good forging and great idea. 7/10

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