Tower Attack Version 1.0

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by supa gems, Jul 8, 2009.

  1. supa gems

    supa gems Ancient
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    Hey all, and welcome to my first Forgehub map. I'm pretty new to this, so bear with me.

    Obviously, my map is named Tower Attack. As I'm just releasing it, it's currently in early stages. I hope to release a new version within a few weeks based on your feedback, so please, download and comment. Thank you, and please read on. However, please limit comments about Aesthetics, this map was built mostly for gameplay. I'm still learning how to make maps neat :(

    The idea of this map came to me when me and my friend were randomly playing COD:WaW on Castle and I realized how important those sniper towers were. I decided, "Hey, why not make a Halo map based on that idea!" I explained it to my friend, and he said it was a good idea that I should try it out (he doesnt have mythic so he couldnt help me). And so the map was born.

    The goal is for zombies, who are light, fast, but extremely weak, to take any of four routes to a teleporter, that will lead to a receiving teleport on the tower part. The humans must fight them back, armed with sniper rifles, and pick them off before they get to the teleports. Trust me, it becomes hell when they do. However, if you and your team manages to fend them off for the entire time limit, victory is on your side, and help arrives to carry you out of that bloody, deadly tower.

    Here's an overview of the map, looking from behind the tower:

    Here's the quickest, but most dangerous route on the left, and a slower but more rewarding one on the right:
    The room where zombies spawn in is out of sight of the snipers, to prevent spawn killing. However, I still need a screenshot of it, and it's not much to look at =( I might make it more aesthetically pleasing on a V2.

    Here, you can see the hardest, but most rewarding of the routes here, showing the tricky teleport and a batch of active camos:

    The map also includes a slow-respawning magnum for tight situations, beam rifles at every spawn point that have a fairly quick respawn (considering you only need them when you die, thanks to unlimited ammo). The sniper's tower also features dual smgs, a last resort for the LMS or final duo or something, as they never respawn. There is a hidden mauler, and in V2 or a lightly edited V1.5 or something, I could add another or make another place full of nooks and crannys to hide stuff in :) Here is a picture of what is one of the dumbest things a human can do:

    Please post and download. Thank you, and have a great time :D

    Anyways, test the map for your self: : Halo 3 File Details
    And the gametype, sniper tower: : Halo 3 File Details

    Please post and download guys, and I'll take all your feedback into account for V2 which will be even better.

    Hm need more feedback for sure =/
    #1 supa gems, Jul 8, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2009
  2. revelation

    revelation Ancient
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    Hmm nice job, just keep it up. You definitally could add something big for V2, like an extra tower or something to fall back on. You could also design like a hardcore version, where humans are slower and have less damage resistance, idk. Good luck, you got my download =)
  3. Chronic Fate

    Chronic Fate Ancient
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    Seems like a new take on the well known duck hunt. Hopefully though, you might add more things to improve the gameplay as from the screenshots it seems mildly sloppy and considerately small. Looking good for your first post here on the hub. Good luck in the future.

  4. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It seems like the odds are stacked in favor of the humans to me, although I may be wrong seeing as I have yet to test it out. So far from what I see, it looks ok, but I will edit when I've tested it for a more in depth review hopefully.
  5. supa gems

    supa gems Ancient
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    Yeah its kind of strange, zombies can't do anything until theyv made it inside the building. If humans are smart, they'll find a good way to camp it. This can be tough though, with their 200% speed and slightly lower gravity. Teamwork is definitally a must, both for zombies to overload the snipers and make it through, and for the humans to control their attackers. I'm definitally considering building a second tower or something, maybe a long floating base.
  6. Zombie Kitten

    Zombie Kitten Ancient
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    One thing I'm tinking of happening is the snipers pick off the zombies way too easily. The zombies will then get bored and quit. That is exactly what it looks like the way the snipers just keep killing them as thay come. But I'm glad there is a time limit so the round would not go on forever and ever.
  7. xboxfreak

    xboxfreak Ancient
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    i like it. im thinking that if you were to add onto it you should make a tower where the infected spawn but it has alt of good weapons and turrets so that its a hard but rewarding risk to take. nice job keep it up.
  8. supa gems

    supa gems Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks, and now that i think of it thats a pretty good idea thanks alot. If i use that ill credit you :)

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