She needs to learn one of two things: 1) Multi-tasking 2) Not text while walking What was her friend doing probably like "Wonder what happens if I don't tell her about the manhole" The even sadder part of this they will probably win to. If that were me I wouldn't sue my parents would probably call me a dumbass. But thats the problem with America these days they sue over every thing I mean she was scraped and cut not like she broke anything.
Lol, what great reputation Staten Island receives now. Ignorant socially obsessed and stereotypical teenage girls. Pretty much how girls are here in Staten Island anyway. I've never really seen a manhole on the sidewalk, but Staten Island's current expansion into greenery must have twisted usual protocols. I will blame both the girl, and the worker. I can't be honest if I would have been even able to tell if it was closed, until I reached it. Leaving an unattended open manhole was idiotic in the first place.
I find this whole situation absolutely ridiculous. It is the girl's fault for falling down the manhole in the first place, and now the family is suing the city over "mounting medical expenses and a lost shoe." I fail to see the need for "mounting medical expenses" when all she has is a bruise and a few cuts. That is hardly what I would call a dire medical situation. This crap is going too far these days... and think about the poor guys who didn't put up the cone. Now they are probably in all kinds of trouble for making a simple mistake that is being blown out of proportion.
This comment from youtube: cuteycindyhoney (23 minutes ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply | Spam My guess is they saw them move away to get the cones, and her mom said... "Quick, jump in! We'll be rich!" It's like when there's a city buss accident. People run to climb in the wreckage and the law-suits fly! My point exactly, people just wanna sue for the money. If millions of other people can text, dial a number, play with a DS or PSP and use their peripheral vision to see what's ahead of them and not hit anything, then why can't that 15 year old girl manage to do that? I bet its all for the money. If she honestly did not see that coming, something is probably wrong with her vision, AND her friend's vision, AND their mother's vision. The girl, her friend, and her mother probably noticed the City van there, and the two guys opening up the manhole, and thought of a quick way to get money. Really, if the girl can give an interview FOR NATIONAL TELEVISION, then I'm pretty sure she is not seriously hurt. My point is, they are stealing from the city because of the girl's mistake. Don't cell phone manuals have warnings that strongly disagree to walking while dialing a number or texting?
We all know that traffic cones kill people. Besides I text inside my Spartan armor. I no! I have fallen into deep pit and am stuck! I will die, then sue the city! Dumbass *****!
I'v fell down a manhole deeper than that. It's on the drive of our house, and it hadn't had concrete over it when we moved on it, i stepped on it and fell down. I still have a 9 year old scar on my left armpit and i had burns down my right arm where i tried to stop myself. We didn't sue, but the builders gave me a PS2 (when it came out and there were 0 in the country) and turfed our garden, which is expensive. We wouldn't have sued, even though it is there fault, i wouldn't want the hassle.
man i dnt believe that she was payng any attention at all just because she was texting she should b like looking at the pfloor every once in a while yu kno? technically i think she wasnt thinking