These were some pictures i took earlier while playing CTF, i don't like them that much and no light additions (grenades, explosions, etc) were happening. I haven't seen ANY pictures like this, soo here... Looking at the first one looks like someones doing bunny ears.. or that rock on hand symbol.. lol =)
1st ones best because of the visibility of the spartan. the others either look too close or not enough visible to make anything out
You are able to tell these are photo shopped. I won't be impressed until I see them in your file share.
I doubt it... My guess, is that he was in a tree? On Valhalla and took screenshots through the leaves? :happy:
Go check out my fileshare then >.> Username CombatGam3r, we don't all suck at taking pictures enought to photoshop them. Scroll to the bottom Happy? And I don't want to impress someone accusing me of photoshopping. Nub.
What are we supposed to guess? I don't really like these very much, and it's just because of the spartans armor color, maybe change it? But otherwise, I really like this trick.