A Remake of the Quake 3 map Q3DM17 A.K.A The Longest Yard Read this Before Downloading!!! · Spawn camping is common · All weapons spawn very quickly and are on drop spawn · Map gameplay is dramatically different from normal Slayer/Slayer BR’s Download Map Here!! Download Gametype Here!! The map longest yard was one of the favored maps in Quake 3, and re-creating it on Halo 3 presented a few challenges. First off was scaling it correctly and keeping some of the original details intact. I went on Quake 3 and basically did an eyeball comparison to figure out scale and details. The next thing, and probably the hardest, was perfecting (at least trying to perfect) the mancannons. As we know the mancannons in Halo 3’s forge are an untamable beast, so I did my best at getting them aimed properly, and ended up having to modify some of the scenery to include a few guides. After all this, I had to come up with the weapon set. I kept the same it all pretty much the same, but had to compensate for the health packs, red armor, and mega health. Basically, with the game type used, there is no way to put health packs (regenerators don’t work). Besides this detail, I used a bubble shield for the red armor, and an overshield for the mega health; both work pretty well. Next up were the spawns, which were pretty simple. I played a game of Quake 3 with a newb bot and basically raped it over and over again with the sniper to get a decent idea of the spawn system. Finally I came up with the gametype, and ran about 50 tests to figure out the best weapon positions, spawn tweaks, and mancannon tweaks. At last I came up with the conclusive results and here it is! An overview of the map Jumping from shotgun to shotgun The rockets and the teleporter that takes you to the middle of the bridge. The middle of the bridge, includes the bubble shield. The shotgun platform. A great place to snipe from. Notice the teleporter below that takes you up to shotgun. Sniper Lift The lift pyramid. The middle takes you up to overshield. The next two pictures are the lift combination that takes you up to the Quad Damage platform. The Weapon Set Weapon x Amount………..respawn time…..run time maximum Rocket Launcher x 2…………….10…………….........4 Shotgun x 2……………………....10………………….4 Beam Rifle x 1…………………...30………………….2 Bubble Shield x 1………………..30………………….1 Overshield x 1…………………....30………………….1 Custom Powerup x 1………….... 45………………….1 Custom Powerup Traits: 300% Damage for 30 seconds. The Gametype The gametype “Quake 3” is a custom variant created to give the feel of the game Quake 3, while still keeping in touch with the Halo 3 style. The score goes up to 20 in a free for all style. Starting weapon is the Assault Rifle, though Battle Rifle also works great. You still spawn with grenades and can use melee. The damage resistance and shields are normal, but your shields will not regenerate. Each player deals 150% of the damage normally done (Battle Rifle can 3 shot, Beam Rifle can 1 shot), and has 200% increased movespeed. Also you have no sensors, and a 3 second respawn time. Well that about wraps it up for my remake of Quake 3’s The Longest Yard. I would like to thank: My friends Ian and Tim for letting me own them un-relentlessly while perfecting the gametype Jorgy411 EvilShinaniGuns MaximusMischief and his guest ANTI YOU Rootbear75 Muffin Man232 RockerMonky301 and his guest SamuraiMan316 Arlight1 (thank you for the extensive feedback) ForgivingKnight lilJB iz ill RajinJMG Download Map Here!! Download Gametype Here!!
Awesome! I loved Quake 3 back in the day and this looks like a perfect remake of an amazing map. Just judging by the screenshots it looks like you took a lot of time to hit every detail. I love how it looks and I will be DLing this map. O and just a suggestion. Another great map to make would be Space CTF. Very nice job!
Why do people keep remaking DM17, it's one of the worst maps in Quake 3. Why not do some good ones like DM6 or DM13, or T4,6,7, etc.
glad someone finally did this, the quake maps are definitely worth remaking. its been a while since ive played, so i cant remember the map this is a remake of. ill dl nonetheless.
well i have never played quake 3 so i can't really say if its a acurate remake but it looks really cool and a fun fast paced game the only thing i could think of to help is adding cover in the middle but of course then it wouldnt be a remake. 9/10